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What a year!! Not even talking about the miracle called Clara, whose birth is rapidly approaching. So far we can look back at this year and just sigh a sigh of relieve and thankfulness. So many wonderful things has happened and we also survived this financially tough year without having to stop helping people or closing any carepoints. This in itself was a miracle for me. Some of our partners here in Swaziland had to make these calls and even leave because financially they just could not do it anymore. As I am sharing this I praise God for allowing us to continue our calling and to look forward to a next year full of potential and energy.

So I thought it would be good to recap a little and just share some of the accomplishments of the year.

  • Currently we just added another carepoint and are now serving 25 carepoints in total.
  • 3180 kids have a place of safety during the days and have access to food and medical help, if needed.
  • Roughly 60% of these kids are getting discipleship every week and hopefully we can raise that number next year with getting more D-Team members.
  • We started a school fee scholarship this year where kids can apply for school fees if maintaining a B+ aggregate. We were able to help quite a few kids this year.
  • The school that was started in partnership with the government at Bhalekane is giving education now to Grade 1 to 6 and next year grade 7 will be added.
  • We have hosted 14 trips this year for sponsoring churches and connect communities. There were also 4 vision trips.
  • With hosting 14 carepoint trips, we did 14 fun days where the kids received a special meal of meat, rice, veggies, salad and cupcakes. We probably ordered about 1950 cupcakes this year. And we will do it again for Christmas!)
  • With the help of many of the churches and connect communities about 830 children were provided with school shoes.
  • 100’s of letters from sponsors were received and translated, a few 100 letters were send back from the kids
  • With the help of Luke Commission several clinics were held that gave approximately 4000 people some medical help.
  • The team down here has delivered more than 550 tons of food so far this year.
  • 8 wells were drilled this year and we are in the process of installing either solar or electric pumps so that the kids can have access to clean water.
  • Various capital projects were done this year including 8 kitchens, 4 latrines, 2 multi purpose buildings, 2 playgrounds, a big church at Enaleni, fencing at various care points and we are 30% finished with a big bathroom/shower project from Capo Beach Church at Thembeni carepoint.
  • Our staff has grown in numbers!

So as we look back and say thank you to our Lord and Savior, we can also look forward to a new year that already looks packed with activities, building projects, special occasions and people coming to visit.

So as the year is rushing to an end, as always, we would love to end the year at the carepoints with Christmas Parties for all kids, even the unsponsored ones. With Kriek out of action, the number of kids growing at each care point and our exchange rate that has seen the dollar lose 25% of its value, we are again in a position where we need to ask for help making this happen. So if you would like to give a special gift for the Christmas parties, please email me at [email protected]

Sorry that I am cramming all of this info into one long blog! We are trying to get everything done before the baby comes! She should be here by the end of November! So the next blog update you get from us might just be the announcement of her birth!

PS Please pray for Kriek in this last stage of pregnancy as she is getting very uncomfortable and tired a lot.

17 responses to “2010 Rushing to an end!!”

  1. I love you both and appreciate so much your work in the Kingdom for the only true King, King Jesus.

  2. here’s to you and Kriek and the team in Swaziland for all your hard work and faithfulness – God is great in you all!

  3. Wow!!! What an amazing year!!!

    Thank Jumbo for all that you and Kriek do, you two are my heroes and I am SURE that you TWO are HIS favorites!!!

    Love ya!!!

  4. It is amazing how both you and Kriek have embraced these children and the faith God has given you to believe in what He can do through both of you! You are constantly in my prayers and we look so forward to seeing little Clara! God Bless!

  5. Thank you Jumbo for the update on everything that has hapened in Swaziland this year. God is good, all the time and we thank HIM for your obedience to Him. Looking forward to being there next May, and praying for you and Kriek and little Clara. Thanking God for you and all the others there in Swaziland for all that you do for these precious children.

    Sending our love to you!!!!

  6. I wish you guys would get busy and get some work done!!!

    This is not only a testament to supportive churches, groups, AIM and CHC – this is also a testament to the hard work of the Go-Go’s, D-Team, your staff and the cooperation of community leaders. I love seeing His plan come together. Just to think this is the tip of the iceburg!!! His plan is so much larger than our minds can understand – but I believe you and Kriek are on the right track and are the very best stewards of carrying out His plan.

    Much love to you guys – we believe in you

  7. WOW! What wonderful news. Everytime I get one of your updates, I can feel the strength He has given you both for all you do! You all are a blessing and an example of His love and care for all His children!

  8. WOW what an awesome God we serve – worthy of all our praise. You inspire and encourage me in your walk of obedience in fulfilling God’s purpose for your lives. What hard work, faithfulness and obedience indeed. May God continue to provide for all your needs in Swaziland and that of all the care points. Be blessed. With much love and prayers for Kriek

  9. We give God all the glory for choosing you two knowing you are faithful servants reaching out to His children. May your ministry go from strength to strength. We cannot wait for Clara. liefde vir oupa Johan

  10. It’s great to see how God is using you two to change the lives of thousands of Swazi orphans. Jesus is moving through this country like a might rushing wind! See you in two days my brother!!!

  11. Love it! Fantastic update. The Lord has done great things this year….you are guys and your team have been an amazing conduit for the Lord to work. Thanks for your unending obedience. Looking forward to hearing about Clara and meeting her! Praying love Brenda

  12. Praising God for the work he has accomplished through you guys and your obedience to be his hands and feet in Swaziland. Praying for you and little Clara!

  13. It’s wonderful to hear all of the good news and praise God for His love and mercy in meeting His children’s needs.

  14. Clara – what a BEAUTIFUL name! Please give Kriek our love and tell her prayers are being sent her way. We love you guys and are AMAZED at this awesome awesome report! This is all WONDERFUL news!

    The Sound of Hope (our new non-profit run by Rusty and me) is now up and running and we will be sending a donation to help in Nsoko by the end of this year. Looking forward to seeing our fund-raising efforts grow and sending more money to help these precious children in Swaziland. We believe God has BIG PLANS for every single one of His kids there! Thanks for everything you do!

  15. The GLORY of God revealed in Swaziland! Praise Him! He is Faithful above all we can ask or imagine. Many blessings are yours in Christ Jesus.THANK YOU for “hanging in there!”