
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


I am spending some time with a team at a carepoint and was reminded yesterday why we do what we do and why we are still here in Swaziland. Call it a wake up call, call it a reality check.

I was watching the carepoint shepherd do attendance when a teenage girl came up to talk to her …. She was crying because there is no food at home for her and her 2 sisters and the meal they get at the carepoint is the only food they get. It is just them at the homestead. It broke my heart. I immediately send a staff member with her to the little store to go buy them some bread and maize meal. We will definitely be going to their home this week for a visit.

Later I saw this little guy (picture below) standing to the side, sucking his thumb, watching the other kids while they got their food. I walked over and asked him his age. ‘Seven’. Seven and still sucking his thumb …. made me wonder what makes a seven year old still suck his thumb. What has he seen and experienced in his seven years of life? I also asked why he wasn’t getting his food / eating. His reply …. ‘I don’t have a plate’. No problem. I quickly organized for him to get some food.

When it was time to go on a home visit … surprise surprise …. Who gets into my car? This little guy (my new friend … his name is Blessing) and his slightly older sister (maybe 11). We take off, drive for a few kilometers, make a few turns, and then we stop at their homestead. A little one-room block building and a cooking structure, and ‘gogo’ sitting outside cleaning some marula nuts. It’s just the 2 kids and their grandmother (gogo). Nobody knows who or where their father is, and their mom passed away a while ago. Gogo can hardly walk, but she is cleaning nuts to sell so she can buy some food for her and the kids. The little girl cooks for them (if there is food) and both the kids are responsible for getting water from the river every day. For them, most of the time, the food they get at the carepoint is also the only meal they get for the day.

We introduced ourselves to gogo, asked a few questions and shared some Scriptures. Gogo couldn’t stopped saying ‘Hallelujah!’ throughout the visit. We prayed for them, and then gave them the food gift we brought for them. We said our goodbyes, got in the car and left.

Once again my heart was broken and my ‘Good News’ theology was a little shaken. How do I help these kids and what is it God wants me to do?

Swaziland is FULL of speedbumps. If you have ever been here, you will know exactly what I am talking about. If there is a road, there is a speedbump. Why so many speedbumps? Because people speed. And a speedbump forces you to slow down …. well, it forces MOST people to slow down. I feel like I hit a speedbump yesterday …. It is forcing me to slow down. To rethink a few things.

I am beyond thankful for the way the ministry has grown and for the amazing things we have been part of. The way kids’ lives have been changed. For amazing staff. For Ngesikhatsi (grief counseling / emotional awareness course), for Sisekelo Setfu (our discipleship curriculum), for our carepoint choir, for sports ministry, for our Swaziland Leadership Academy.

But I was reminded today that for some of the carepoint kids the food at the carepoint is still the only meal that they will get. And that hasn’t changed in 10 years.




17 responses to “A hard, but good, reminder”

  1. El Roi (our God Who Sees) has His eye on you and each one in that country. You are reaching so many. We pray to The Lord of the Harvest to send many to bear up this load. May you rest in His yoke where the burden is light. God’s richest blessings to you. Connie

  2. Crying. I know the need is huge, but you and Jumbo and Clara have made a huge impact. Love you all so much. Thank you for your sacrifice

  3. So much has been accomplished, but also such a good reminder that there is still much left to do. Thank you for sharing and for being so faithful for 10 years of service!

  4. You lead amazing ministry there! Be encouraged as you recover from that speedbump…
    God has done and will continue to do great things through you!

  5. Wow….great words. Speed bump is a great description of the situation. So much good going on …but still such a great need all around. Blessings to you and your family and team as you continue to be obedient!

  6. Well you know what I am doing, crying! Jesse and I just want to say Thank You and Jumbo for being obedient to our Lord as you have for the last 10 years. We are so thankful we can be a small part of this ministry and are thankful we have been able to see first hand all that God has done and is continuing to do in Swaziland. We live ya’ll and our little Clara, see you soon??

  7. Well you know what I am doing, crying! Jesse and I just want to say Thank You and Jumbo for being obedient to our Lord as you have for the last 10 years. We are so thankful we can be a small part of this ministry and are thankful we have been able to see first hand all that God has done and is continuing to do in Swaziland. We live ya’ll and our little Clara, see you soon??

  8. This story is a gift to those of us who don’t have to worry about where our next meal will come from. Thanks for your heart for kids like Blessing. And thanks for sharing this story to remind us of God’s heart for those like him.

  9. Going to Swaziland will change you forever! My life will never be the same.

  10. I know that your job is overwhelming at times but thank you for your faithfulness to these precious children and their families and remember that our God is always faithful. He will never leave you or forsake you.

  11. We have witnessed amazing changes over the last 10 years thanks to you two and your commitment to His word. Thank you for everything you do.

  12. Thank you for what you do for the people of Swaziland and your obedience to your calling. I love you so much.

  13. Matt and Kriek, thank you so much for your servant’s heart to be hands and feet answering the Lord’s call in ministry to the people in Swaziland. Your longevity displays your commitment to the calling the Holy Spirit has put on your heart. I pray God gives you strength for each day and wisdom to carry out the mission of touching many lives for Jesus Christ. I thank God He has allowed me the means to be a small part of serving through short term missions with the teams from Calvary Chapel Chester Springs. Looking forward to seeing you next week.