
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I wish I could start by saying that I am learning how to EMBRACE LIFE. I am not talking only about how to live the abundant life where everything is going well and you are ‘blessed beyond measure’. I am talking about that part of life that you ‘didn’t sign up for’. When life throws those unexpected things at you that you just don’t have the emotional capacity to deal with  …. When you realize you have been deeply betrayed …. when you fear every ringing of the phone ….. when you lose a loved or a dear one ….. when loved ones struggle …. when you are constantly fighting against being fearful ….  when saying goodbye at the end of a season …. when you just want to give up ….


I am talking about the reality and the chaos of life. The messiness of life. I am trying to just simply EMBRACE this part of life and the emotions that go with it.


I have had to seek God a LOT; digging deep into His promises and truths for me and clinging to them for dear life. I have had to listen to LOTS of worship music. I have had to read LOTS of Scripture over and over ….. proclaiming, believing and praying it for my life and situation. I have had to remind myself that this season too will come to an end.


And God has been faithful. His Word has been bringing light to darkness … comfort and shelter to my troubled heart and weary soul ….


‘The Lord is my Rock, my Fortress and my Deliverer …. It is God who arms me with strength … Your right hand sustains me …’


‘Keep me as the apple of Your eye: hide me in the shadow of your wings ….’


‘Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty … He is my refuge and my fortress …. Under His wings you will find refuge ….’


These Scripture (and some more) have become much more ‘real’ to me. They have become my lifeline, my oxygen.


Through all of this God has also been reminding me of the following Scripture and I have been learning to ‘live’ this ….


1 Thessalonians 5:16


It made me realize that I truly ALWAYS have something to be thankful for! I am serving and seeking a faithful God who is not surprised or caught off guard by any of my situations. And He hasn’t been quiet in this time; He has been whispering Truth consistently to me. I have a husband who loves me and to whose safe arms I can come home to each night. I have the unconditional love of my daughter. I have friends who deeply care. God blessed me with some unexpected, fun travels. I still experience moments of joy and laughter. I am sleeping at night (I usually struggle a LOT to sleep!). And I am healthy! I definitely have MUCH to be thankful for and I can ‘rejoice always’ in a Lord who I can trust!


‘Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,

whenever you face trials of any kind,

because we know that the testing of your faith

produces perseverance.”

                                                                           (James 1:2-3)



One response to “Embracing life”

  1. Love you Kriek & the truth in every single one of these sentences. Thank you for sharing your heart! You are a joy & blessing to know & such an encouragement!!