
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


In my head I have written this (long overdue) blog over and over again. But, since I am a master procrastinator and the craziness of the last few busy months got hold of me and the weight of this big news ….  I can finally share with you today.


Today is the beginning of a brand new season for us as a family as we had the wonderful opportunity of dropping Clara off this morning at an amazing little school in Jeffreys Bay, South Africa, to embark on a new adventure! It was quite an emotional moment for us and as parents we are so nervous for her, but we know that she is in God’s hands (and the hands of a very capable, God-loving teacher).


So for those who still don’t know or who haven’t heard yet …. Clara and I moved to South Africa in December. I have felt God stirring something new in me for a while now and I could sense that my season in Swaziland was coming to an end. After lots of prayer as a family we decided that this would the best next step for us as a family. Clara (or maybe mommy) needed a better school structure and I want to pursue what God has for me next. Jumbo (Matt) will stay behind in Swaziland to continue leading the ministry and will be traveling back and forth to come see us every month. We know that this is not the ideal situation for any family or marriage, but we are trusting God for this next season. We are unsure of how long this season will be, but we are excited to see what God is going to do!


I have to say that I am not leaving because I am bitter or ‘have had enough’ or because of things that happened in the last few months in Swaziland. My heart will forever be grateful for Swaziland, for the ways it has changed me, for the things I have learned, for the experiences, for the friendships formed, for the ways in which I saw God work. These last couple of months have been extra hard and this was definitely not the way I wanted to leave. I have had to choose daily to not be overtaken by bitterness because of what happened. I couldn’t allow the things that happened in the last few months disqualify all the great things that happened the last twelve years! God has been faithful in so many amazing ways!


I can’t wait to share with you about what God is doing in our personal lives as well as in the ministry. Some big things coming up for the ministry! And I am excited about the new memories we will be making as a family!

PS. Clara had a great first day at school and LOVED it! She is excited to go back tomorrow. And for those who know her really well …. she had to leave Lion at home today. This was a big thing for her. So I volunteered to take him with me for the day. We went to a coffee shop with a friend right after dropping Clara!

9 responses to “A NEW SEASON”

  1. Bless you all! What a big step for you and your family. Although I don’t know you all super well nor do I know what has transpired over the last months I do feel that this decision was not made lightly and that God has this! Prayers to you and your family! ??????

  2. Sending you all the Love and blessings.. your family has changed so many lives within the ministry and outside.. a family I will tell my own children about one day????????

  3. Thank You for all you have done and are going to do. Your family is a great influence on mine, still miss the times when I rocked Clara to sleep. Maybe one day we could visit in SA.

  4. You all know how much myself and CBC church loves you and all that you and Kriek have poured into the lives of so many children as well as adults. I don’t need to write it here as you know my heart your family will always be in my prayers. Just know you always have a place to hang out in California anytime you want….maybe even in a huge house overlooking the ocean!!!
    love you and will come visit for sure.

  5. We love you all so much. You are a part of our family. We know that you have sought the Lord’s Will and did not move without clear direction from Him. He holds your family in the palm of His Hand and He will continue to guide you day by day as you seek His face. The Halls now have another place to put on their bucket list: Jefferys Bay!

  6. Hard decisions are not taken lightly and I know that this was taken after much prayer. sometimes the ways of the Lord seem crazy to us but in the end we see Hi’s blessings in our obedience. Leaving Lion behind was very brave…but it seems he enjoyed his coffee date….granny’s bringing Pooh will join him ??

  7. Oh Kriek, you are such a brave women of God and I love you so much! It was an honor to spend time with you in December. I am so glad things went well for Clara today! But you didn’t say how well her momma did?
    Thank you for everything your family has done. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
    Till next time.
    Please keep in touch!!
    Love you much.

  8. As I read this, I picture the smile on your face as you type all these words. It always feels good to be in the right place (God’s will). We love you so much and we thank God for you. Hugs and kisses for Clara from Eliana??

  9. Excited for this new season for your family. Sometimes we have to do really hard things in order to meet the needs of everyone in the family, not easy. I love all three of you so very much, I really will be praying as you adjust. No one knows the cost…