
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Happy 2016!! Hope you all had a blessed and special Christmas time. We started our year yesterday with a staff meeting and there was definitely an exciting buzz going around in the office. Last year was a good year for the ministry and we are excited to see what God is going to do this year! We know He is doing something new in and through our staff and we are privileged to be part of it.

I, Kriek, have been wanting / hoping / meaning to share ministry prayer request on a more regular basis for those of you who are faithfully praying for us and the ministry. Thank you for your faithful prayers and intercession! You are an integral part of our ministry and we appreciate you.


I want to keep this short and to the point! So here we go!

  • PLEASE pray with us for rain in Swaziland and South Africa!! We are going through a severe drought. People can’t plant crops and live stock is dying.
  • Please pray for staff training and orientation this week. Our new, graduated SLA students are back and ready to minister at their carepoints. But we first want to equip them before sending them out.
  • Please pray for the intake of new SLA students. We are identifying and recruiting young people from the carepoints and communities we are working in. Please pray for discernment and wisdom for Bheki who is doing much of this.
  • Our nurse, Wisile’s husband (they are both in their 60’s) is very sick in hospital. Doctors are still doing tests on him and are not sure what is wrong. Please pray for her for strength and healing for him.
  • Please pray for the McAdams family. Mukelo (Mumu), their foster daughter, is getting a feeding tube on Thursday at a hospital in SA.


Thank you! Hope to do this again next week!