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Hallo friends!

We went for another scan today and seems like baby Clara is doing well. She was playing hide and seek with us and the doctor couldn’t get a good picture of her little face. First she was hiding behind the umbilical cord; then she had her arm in front of her face! But she is weighing 970g (2,1 pounds) and the doctor is happy with her development.

Mommy is already feeling very uncomfortable and she is only now at 26 weeks …. But she is loving every moment of this precious gift!

This past week Kriek spent some time with the D-team planning. We also took them to a 3D movie and it was so much fun watching them and their reactions. We all laughed a lot! This weekend we are doing our first Swaziland Staff Retreat and it is just amazing to see God at work! Please continue to pray for us this weekend

11 responses to “26 week scan”

  1. What a great name! Can’t wait to meet baby Clara some day! We’re glad to hear everything is going pretty smoothly. Health and blessings to you all!

  2. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! I can’t wait to meet Clara ! ! Thaw good care of mama!!!

  3. So great to here the baby is doing fine. Always enjoy the updates and I can’t wait to see all my swazi friends again. I’ve had Swaziland on my brain practically all the time. I even bought a few more gifts for the D-team and others. By the time March roles around I won’t have any room in my bags for my own clothes. Tell Musa,Xolani and the others I may have to borrow some!

  4. Hi Jumbo and Kreik! Thanks for the update on the ministries in Swaziland and especially the updates on Clara! I predict she will continue to hide her face and you’ll just have to wait until you two are face to face so you can both see each other for the first time together!

  5. Hooray for baby Clara making herself know to her momma!! Wow what a miracle that’s happening inside of you Kriek. Yes, Clara is a beautiful name and I am very anxious to meet her face to face! Love you all.

  6. Always thankful to get the updates! Wodnerful that all is well with the Gerber Family….great to have a name already! I hope all goes well at the retreat.
    love Brenda

  7. I love reading these so that I feel like I am participating in your joy! Keep the updates coming! I can’t wait to come and see little Clara!

  8. Clara, what a beautiful name for such a spcecil little girl. Thanks for the updates, Kriek, it’s not as long as it has been and very soon you and Jumbo will be holding the most precious gift from God. Take care of each other and we thank you both and the D-team for all you do for the beautiful children in Swaziland, looking forward to being there next year. Excited about the retreat, knowing God will bless in a mighty way, our love to ya’ll.

  9. I enjoy reading your updates! Our group of five from New Hope Church is eagerly anticipating our vision trip in October!

  10. Oh! I so wish we were there to see you, but we LOVE getting updates and hearing how little Clara and the two of you are growing together! What a blessed little girl she is!

    Praying for all of you and the D-Team! I thank God for you often as I pray for the sweet people and children of Swaziland. Thank you for your service to Him and those children!

    Love you both…three! 🙂