
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


We are enjoying a wonderful break while also celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary. We are immensely blessed to be on an island and to be staying in a very nice hotel right on the ocean. We are enjoying every minute of being here! Long walks on the beach, swimming, being together, reading, watching beautiful sunsets … the works, but we are also glad that we have a ‘real life’ to go back to, even though it is hard at times. This is like a special gift from God, almost like Him showing us that He sees our every effort to ‘let His kingdom come here on earth’. But for us there is definitely more to life than sitting on the beach!
Even though the island is off the coast of Africa, a very large number of the population is from Indian descent and the Hindu religion is very big on this island. Every where you go you will see shrines and temples. On one of our island tours we visited an important Hindu pilgrimage site. I think it was a hard and sad visit for us. We believe that we serve and worship the One and Only true God, but so do they. How do we convince people otherwise? How do we share what we believe as true without coming over as arrogant?

I don’t think we can! I think God has to reveal Himself to them, and many times I think He wants to use us. People need to see something different in our lives. Something that they don’t have, but want! People need to see our passionate faith in God, especially when times are hard. People need to see our passionate love relationship with Him where it is not about rules or laws, but where we follow Him with our whole being because we love Him. People need to experience God’s love for them through us loving them, accepting them, caring for them.

People need to see that our God is real!! First we need to LIVE the Gospel and once people start asking questions, we can SHARE the Gospel of the Good News with words!

“For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power.” !!!!!!!

(1 Cor. 4:20)

15 responses to “5 years!”

  1. Hi Jumbo & Kriek! Congrats on 5 years! You guys look great together. So happy to see you away on a holiday and enjoying yourselves….you both deserve it more than anyone I can think of. Enjoy your time so much! We are cheering you both on.

    Lots of love from Canada!


  2. Happy Anniversary to a couple who are making a difference!
    Thanks for the post both with the beautiful words and pictures.
    I pray God continues to bless what you are doing to bring his kingdom to earth, and am glad you were able to experience another little piece of it as you celebrate together.

  3. Àmazing, ek kan nie glo dit is al 5 jaar nie. Sterkte en geniet elke oomblik van julle tyd wat jul rus. Julle is ‘n groot wins ve die koninkryk.

  4. hey guys – congrats on 5 years and I am glad you are having a great time there – hope the rest of your time there is also fun and relaxing!

  5. Right On!!!!!!!

    On earth as it is in Heaven!! Kingdom!!!!

    Happy Anniversary to two of my favorite people in the whole world.

    Love you,


  6. Congratulations!

    Sending prayers and best wishes to you on your holiday.

    Brandon, Melinda and I had a chat about Mkhombokati a couple of weeks ago. You, the rest of the team, and our Swazi friends are in my prayers.

    Grace and Peace!


  7. Happy Anniversary! Have a wonderful time on holiday and get some much needed rest. We love and miss ya’ll-know that we are praying for you.

    In Christ,

  8. Hi Julle 2

    Baie geluk met julle 5 jaar aneversary en geniet die rus julle verdien dit.
    Ek hoop dit gaan baie goed met julle.


  9. Wow it is so great to see the two of you out having fun just the TWO of you. You are so devoted to serving!!!! May our God Bless the two of you beyond what you could ever imanage. My prayer for the two of you is to grow old together serving a God who loves you very much.