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Just last week we mentioned the increasing effects of poverty we are seeing around us. Well, it is staring to ‘come closer to home’ as people are getting more and more desperate.

Sunday afternoon we got a call from Julie; one of our AIM staff members. She, her daughter and a friend were in South Africa. The car they were driving (one of the ministry vehicles, because Julie’s own car has been in the shop forever and they can’t seem to fix it!!) got stolen in the parking lot of one of the malls. Julie’s passport and brand new computer were in the car; it was also gone!

Yesterday morning we received another call. Zodwa, a member of the D-team, and her family was mugged and robbed during the night. Zodwa and her sister each has separate rooms away from their parents’ house. Sometime during the night somebody knocked on her sister’s door, she asked who it was, but there was no answer. The next moment the door (just a wooden door, no safety gate) was bashed opened and some guys stormed in. Zodwa’s sister yelled for help, Zodwa heard her and came to help her. Not sure what happened next, but their parents also came out of their house and Zodwa’s mom was badly beaten over the head. The thieves stole a bunch of things from their rooms and the house and then ran away.

Zodwa’s mom is doing okay and she is home after they have taken her to the hospital, but Zodwa sounded pretty upset when I talked to her. Of course they are upset by what happened, but they are also scared for a repeat of this.

Please, please, if God lays it on your heart, continue to lift us up in prayer now even more than before. Please pray for our safety and for the safety of all our staff.
Here is a picture of Zodwa

24 responses to “A call to even more diligent prayer!”

  1. Praying for you guys. Man, that’s awful. Let Zodwa know we’re praying for her on this side.

  2. Please let Zodwa know I’m praying for her and her family.
    And for you, Kriek, and the rest of the D-team.

  3. Praying – can’t wait to get there and stand with you in person. You are all heroes!

    Tell Zodwa and the D-Team we are praying for them and everyone.

  4. Praying Jumbo. Wow… Please tell Julie we love her and are warring for her!

  5. I know you don’t know me but I went to Timbutini on an AIM Real Life trip last year. Anyway, I follow your blogs and I remember Zodwa from my trip. I’m praying for everyone’s safety, and for the people who did this. May the Lord bless you for your obedience!

  6. Standing with you guys in prayer. Please tell Zodwa that she is being prayed for as well. You guys are amazing….my heroes!

  7. I’m glad to hear that everyone is okay. My love and my prayers are with you!

  8. Please let my dear friend Zodwa know that I love her and I am praying that God will take away her fear and restore peace to her sweet heart. And also for her family. And for her mother, swift healing. And that God will cover them and protect them. And that they may experience forgiveness for the desperate and lost men who attacked them and stole from them. Somehow God will use even this for His glory.

  9. Jumbo,
    You guys are in our prayers. Let me know if there is anything Vanguard can do or replace for Zodwa or her family. Love you guys.

  10. Still praying for all of you. That will never cease. We love and miss you all!

  11. Ai, tog, die duiwel is ook darem oral aan die werk. Fortunately, our Lord is also everywhere. I trust that things will clear up quickly and that there will be no repeats of this.
    Love Dolly

  12. Hey Jumbo….Always appreciative of updates, those that make us smile and those that make us sad……God calls us to pray in every situation, and we do. I’m thankful that Julie, her precious lil’ one, and her friend weren’t harmed. I trust in the MIGHTY GOD we serve to provide AIM with another vehicle and Julie another computer, and of cousre to work through the hassle of a stolen passport. UGH! to us but a perfect situation in which for GOD ALONE to be GLORIFIED! Zodwa and her family are ALIVE! Praise the LORD! We must pray that the enemy of our soul does not keep them bound in fear now. She is a beautiful sister in Christ, of course her and her family are being lifted to our Heavenly Father. Please send our greetings and words to her and Julie. May they be encouraged this very day to know all the people who read your updates and pray, even if they don’t comment. When you see Dennis and Zwakele…tell them hello and they are missed! ~Jen Russell

  13. I will pray and have our Sisterhood group to pray tomorrow. We love you guys!

  14. How this grieves my heart to think of Zodwa and her family going through this…And more loss for Julie. Thank you for telling us the truth and for drawing us into the places where prayer and support are needed. We will continue to take courage from the LORD, and pray that faith is built and strengthened in each person serving over there. May trust in our Father become sweeter for all. Much love and the protection of the Almighty on Swazi staff and their families- See ya soon.

  15. Even pre-AIDS/HIV pandemic, Swaziland could be a scary place. I still remember very clearly the night a crazy man tried to break down my front door when I was a single missionary living in Mbabane. I was praying like crazy as I had a hand-held siren blaring off in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other. God protected and brought even the POLICE out! WOW! That poor old guy, he had security guards, neighbors (one with a pellet gun), fellow missionaries, all descending on him.

    So yeah, I understand the fear. It’s a scary thing, especially for a young woman.

    I will definitely be praying for all of your safety and for the peace of Jesus that passes all understanding…and can exist even in the face of growing crime.

  16. PRAYING PRAYING PRAYING!!! God bless you guys- I wish we were there with you and could hug each of them and you. We will stand with you in prayer. We love you guys!

  17. It is encouraging to see you guys standing strong in the face of adversity, Grace and Peace to you in this turbulent time.