
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Sorry for this update to be so late. Sooo much has happened in the last 2 weeks.

  • On December 5th we had our last Christmas party. Somehow the last one ended up being way more chaotic than the previous two together. (?????) But it still went pretty well and the kids had a blast. I think we had a blast too! It was nice to see the kids so excited and having fun.
  • Jumbo led an all ladies vision trip with a few of the ladies being wives of NFL players. We enjoyed listening to all their fun stories and it was great watching the Lord working in and through them during the trip.
  • We moved house! Well, we have everything packed into boxes and out of our old house; waiting for us to return to Swaziland next year. (We are moving to another house in Manzini.)
  • We are on our way to spend Christmas in the States!!! We will be there for a while. We will hopefully be able to rest some, and then we will also visit a few of the CHC sponsoring churches, visit the AIM and CHC head offices and attend a mission conference in Alabama.
Well, I am typing this blog as we are sitting at the airport, very excited about this trip. God has blessed us and we are thankful! Please pray that it will be a good flight.

10 responses to “A crazy end to another crazy year”

  1. Heh Jumbo and Kriek! So great to hear about your adventures. Way to go on another year!! Crazy as it sounds…..I hope your time in the U.S. is restful….meaningful and rejuvinating. Can’t wait to see you both in March.


  2. Amazing job for another year! Thank you for serving and working hard at what the Lord has called you to. Anxious to see you both.

  3. More
    Dankie vir die verjaarsdag wense, dat julle onthou het en dat ons nog steeds voel dat julle ons vriende is! Geniet die VSA trippie, rus baie, speel baie en geniet net die feit dat Jesus jul koning is!
    Baie seen en liefde
    Kathy & Colin

  4. Hey folks.

    Have a great Christmas and New Year. and although I will not see you in March when our church comes out my prayers are on you both and your fantastic work in Swaziland.

    I am God willing looking forward to renewing our friendship and seeing your great Dogs (I have pictures of them on my wall at work)… They make me smile every time I look at them… 🙂 when I come out there with Riverwood in 2011

    God Bless and have a great vacation.

    you both are Awesome…

  5. Hey …

    I met you guys when I came to Swazi in June. I was wondering if you guys had the christmas parties at the Mangwaneni Manxini Carepoint. I sponored one of the beautiful babygirls i met there. And i was wondering if those kids got the blue bags. thanx so much.

    Sam Lum