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How do you explain the total chill that goes thru your whole body when you get a call that says:” come immediately  your wife was in an bad accident”. Well it is like everything just stops. Kriek was in an accident yesterday afternoon on her way to one of the Care Points where we had a Christmas Party today.

She is doing okay. She is sore and bruised, but still the trooper I know she is. She still ran the Christmas Party although she had all the reason not to be there. We will give an update on the party Monday.

A Drunken driver was speeding and he and she were in a partial head on collision at a sharp turn on the gravel road to Thembeni. The other driver is still in hospital and is not looking so good, luckily there were no passengers in his car, because I am not sure if they would have made it. His car was pretty smashed up.

There are a few things I am very thankful for:

·         That the Lord protected both drivers

·         That the Lord has shown in even this He is always in control.

·         That Kriek was driving our Pajero, because if she were in a smaller car she would have gotten hurt much more.

·         For all the prayers of friends last night so that she would be able to go to the Christmas party.

·         For all the phone calls from friends – it really means a lot.

Kriek’s car needs to go to the shop to get fixed, but we know even in this the Lord will provide.

Here are a few pictures of the 2 cars.
 Thanks again for all the prayers and calls.

17 responses to “Accident”

  1. THANK YOU LORD for your mercy and protection over Kriek! (and Jumbo). Tom happened to be speaking in our city yesterday, and he told me what had happened. I said a prayer for you both, and I am glad to hear the good news in your update. Now we will pray for a speedy recovery to full health and no long term issues in her neck and back or anything. We will pray for the Lord’s mercy, recovery and salvation for the other driver assuming he needs it.

  2. Just out of surgery, in hell right now with pain… but, I saw this on my phone… we love you and will pray; I am proud of you for not killing the guy, bro; ish! love you

  3. hey krieki!!!
    sjoe, dit lyk sleg. gelukkig ry jy ‘n pajero en het jy Jesus aan jou kant!!!!! Kani glo jou kar het nie baie skade nie, mar dai kar is kas toe! kan net vir Jesus dankie se! lief vir jou!!!!!!

  4. Glad to hear Kriek made it out relatively unscathed. We love and miss you both. You’re in our prayers.

  5. Thanks for the update Jumbo. So glad to hear Kriek is ok. I pray for no pain, in Jesus name and for provisions for a new car!!!

    I pray the Lord’s blessings over you guys.

  6. Sjoe skoonsus!
    Jesus het sy wakende hand oor jou gehou!
    Dank die Vader jy het met ‘n stuk metaal gery en nie ‘n sandinetjie blik nie…!
    Bid vir jou + Thys en hoop die ander ou herstel voorspoeding in die hospitaal.

  7. Wou glad nie vandag epos oopmaak nie – maar nou is ek bly ek het tog maar. Mag God Sy Hand oor julle hou in hierdie tyd. Ek loof die Here dat die uitkoms relatief goed is. Ek bid teen n gees van vrees om weer te moet ry en/of bestuur, Carike!! Liefde

  8. Hey guys!! Its Doug here, one of the blessed people to visit enaleni from the riverwood church in canada. My thoughts and prayers are with you both!(And the poor man in the hospital, who knows where he is with the lord!) I’m so glad to hear kriek is doing alright. I know you guys will recover WELL and learn and prosper from this experience because you are doing an amazing work for the lord choosing to serve him where you are. your troubles will be rewarded! God bless you both!

    Were thinking of you and praying for you here at riverwood!

    Ps.. Vieweres, please don’t forget to pray for the man as well!

    Love, Doug!

  9. Hey Guys… Tim Hellsten another one from Riverwood.. Wow Praise God that the damage to Kriek was only some scrapes and bumps. I too am praying for you both. I hope God continues to keep his hand over the both of you.

    That is not the call you want to hear anytime at all.

    I read the first line and saw the picture and my heart Fell. then reading on all I could say was Thank you God. Thank you for keeping Kriek safe

    Please keep us informed of her progress.

  10. HI Jumbo en Kriek

    Ek kry nou eers my mail, ek hoop dit gaan baie goed met Kriek en ek dink en bid vir julle.
    Baie sterkte daar.


  11. Praise God for His protection! Please give Kriek a big hug from me, don’t hurt her now!
    Love you both
    Kathy & Colin

  12. Hi–I too am from Riverwood. I too am so thankful for the Lord’s protections. Will be praying. I know what Jumbo means when he says that Kriek is a trooper and still did that party. She is one tireless servant for the Lord.
    Love and prayers

  13. Not even a cow at night… oh my goodness. So, so, so grateful that Kriek made it through as well as she did. Praying for all of you…