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Our break is over and we are back home. The time of rest was really good and God has been so faithful. Thank you to all of you who prayed for us. We laughed a lot, we had great times of fellowship with good friends who we have not seen in a while, we enjoyed time with family, we did some fun things (participated in some South African culture – RUGBY!), we read a lot, slept a lot, watched many movies, and we experienced some sweet times with the Lord. We feel rested, encouraged and motivated to continue with the work God is allowing us to be part of.

Now that we are back it is time to start focusing on year end Christmas parties! (Can you believe it?! It is that time of the year AGAIN!!!) On Monday we are having a big planning day where we will be deciding on dates, gifts, food, etch. Although it is a big job of organizing everything, we are really excited about the parties. These parties are always the highlight of the year for the kids. When we ask them for the year reports what their favorite event during the year was, 95% of them say the Christmas parties! Please remember that the children of Swaziland, and especially of our carepoints, do NOT celebrate Christmas in the way children in America or Canada celebrate Christmas. No Christmas decorations to create the ‘Christmas spirit’, no Christmas tree and unwrapping gifts the morning of Christmas, no big meal with turkey and stuffing… These might be the only celebration of Christmas they experience.

So if you want to be part of these celebrations and you would like to make a financial contribution, please email us for details. Or if you want to make an online donation, just click on ‘Support me’ on the left of this page; enter ‘Swazi Orphan Fund’ instead of the staff member’s name, and please forward us the receipt.

Thank you so much! Wish some of you could be here to help us bake and decorate cakes, buy gifts, make candy bags, haul food and gifts around, play on the jumping castle … and share in the laughter and fun of Christmas with the children of Swaziland!

9 responses to “AGAIN?????!!!!!”

  1. Thanks guys for your unfailing commitment to the children of Swaziland – we can all work together and get some money raised to make these parties great for the kids!

  2. I’m so glad that you guys had a good break, and a little jealous that you got to go see some rugby.
    Good luck with the Christmas parties. I know they will be amazing!

  3. Let’s hear it for being able to rest and recover! we’ll try to find ways to help with Christmas for the kids.

  4. I want to come help. My 6 kids would be a huge help!!! Miss you guys. So glad you had a restful and refreshing break.

  5. GOD is good in providing extended periods of rest huh? Merry Christmas party planning! Sounds like fun!

  6. You are so organized and perfect for this job – I love it!!! Merry flippen Christmas – I think I will come join you – keep resting, even thou you are back to it!! That’s an order…

  7. Jumbo and Kriek — you are such a blessing to so many. Thank you for your continued, sacrificial service. You inspire me!

  8. Kriek & Jumbo,
    You have been on my heart so much lately. I can’t imagine what the world would be like without dedicated servants like you and the disciplers who pour out your lives every day in service to our Lord. All I can say is that I’m very thankful that you are obedient to His call so that He is revealed through your offering. I personally thank you for being His arms that He can use to hug those precious children. I can rest somewhat every night knowing that you are on the frontlines for all of us who care so deeply about the orphans in Swaziland.