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Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound …

…of orphan laughter after receiving a new pair of shoes.

…of a beloved’s voice over the phone saying he is safe after loosing a tire.

How do we thank God for calling us to Swaziland and making us part of what He is doing here? How do I thank God for keeping my husband safe? And how do we thank all of you who are daily lifting us up in prayer?

January was another busy month for us with visitors, many trips to Johannesburg airport and back, and hours of fun at the carepoints. Last year we received shoes from Yield clothing and Samaritan’s Feet (thank you!); we just had to buy some smaller sizes for the small kids (thank you Erin, Daniela, Brenda, Lynne). So the teams washed the feet of the children, prayed over them and gave them new shoes. It was heart warming to watch the children outside after receiving their new shoes; looking at their shoes and comparing their shoes with pride. It was good to watch the teams interacting with the kids and seeing how God was changing lives.

It was also good holding my husband after he almost totaled his car. The front tire on the car bursted on his way back from Johannesburg airport and it is only by the protection and grace of God that he and his passengers were all okay. (Below is a picture of the tire.)

So we want to thank you all for covering us in prayer. We are humbled by your prayers for us.

7 responses to “Amazing Grace”

  1. Oh my goodness… even after hearing about the tire blow-out from you, seeing the picture is almost surreal.

    Thank you, Lord… for holding Jumbo’s hands tight on the steering wheel and giving him the strength to keep the car on the road. I continue to ask for safety for Jumbo and the whole team, as they spend their lives on your Kingdom.

  2. Wow – praise the Lord for safety and probably some mad driving skills. You guys are the hands and feet – He has to watch over you!

  3. Amen-I too am humbled by His magnificent mercy- the almighty God going before you every day! Praise Him forever. And Jumbo didn’t even hit a cow?:) Thanks for the pics they speak so much to our hearts as we participate from afar. Beautiful feet-yours and theirs! Love you!

  4. Praise God for his Grace and Mercy….His mercy endureth forever.when I saw the pictures of the tire, there is no doubt that God was in control…Always has been…Always will be.


  5. Jumbo and Kriek,
    My heart just ached when I read this email. I am so glad to hear that you guys are safe. Kriek, I so understand your relief and thankfulness. God is in control!! Thank you Lord for protecting your servants.

    I love seeing the children get their shoes. One of my all time favorite Swazi moments was cleaning little feet and putting new shoes on them on our last trip!!!

  6. To both of you, I am so glad that you are safe!
    Our God is an awesome God!
    Love you