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Thoughts & Inspiration


This week is our busiest week of the summer (our winter)! We already have 5 teams in the country and 2 more arriving in the next 2 days! (I am praising God for the help He has sent me.)

We had a great time with our second team at their sponsored carepoint. Almost the whole team from last year returned and it was like family visiting us. (Larry and Squeaky, we missed you!) Many of the children at the carepoint also remembered their friends from last year and it was good to see the children taking less time to open up. I also feel like the kids laughed more than last year and it was good to see them play and laugh.

On Wednesday I, Kriek, did a few quick visits to some of the sponsored carepoints. At one of the carepoints (Bhalekane) we have put up our first sign. It is so nice! It is just amazing to see how God has provided!

When I pulled up to the carepoint which we visited with the second team, I was greeted by a sad sight. The roof and ¾ of the kitchen collapsed because of a windstorm we had the day before. The miracle: none of the kids were harmed! It is amazing! Usually the kids will sit and eat behind the kitchen, but the ladies decided to send the kids home because of the strong wind. If they didn’t do it, a lot of the kids might have been hurt. God is faithful!



7 responses to “Another little update from us”

  1. Yea for the first sign! Missing you guys. Jumbo, can you shoot me an email and tell me how many we have confirmed for housing for June 2010. Thanks bro. Love you both.

  2. Praising God that none of the little ones were harmed. MAN! That was some devastating wind!

    BTW, loved seeing the photos. They always do my heart good.

  3. Miss you guys. Love the sign, looks so official. Thanks for all your work and love for these kids.

  4. Praying for God’s provision for the repairs now that are needed. REJOICING GREATLY at HIS provision for the children…whether protection from harm or friendly faces they remember from a year ago! What a mighty GOD we serve, HIS goodness and graciousness to all of us is never ending! How awesome HE provided that team to return again. I love HIM and love when we, HIS kids share HIS goodness! Thanks for sharing!

  5. O taste and see that the Lord is good ! God is so AWESOME and His name is worthy to be praised. I am so glad that you were blessed with some help and that it was like family visiting.The Care Point sign is really nice,it shows what God can do when we serve Him and give Him praise.

    Kriek and Jumbo…You are an Awesome couple that are working for an AWESOME GOD. God has called you to accomplish some wonderful things in life and to help others and He will always provide you with the resources you need to get the job done.It doesn’t mean that you won’t have difficulties, but when you do , you can call Almighty God to help you. Proverb 16:3 says; Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.God will generously provide all you need.Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others >2 Corinthians 9:8
    I Love you Kriek and Jumbo, May God Continue to bless you.

    Believing in God and His Promises.
