
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


Where do I begin to write about this summer (our winter) that just came to an end? It was yet again a busy, but a good summer. We were blessed to spend time with good friends, to make new friends, and most of all … to spend a lot of time with precious children at care points.

One day we were trying to get a few pictures of us with the children and I, Kriek, had 2 of my favorite little girls on my lap. As we were trying to get their attention to smile at the camera, the smaller one was trying to push the other one off my lap while saying, in SiSwati, “My white person, my white person.” I know I had to use the opportunity to teach them about sharing; but my heart was also swelling with pride!

We have seen a grown adult man loose his heart to a vulnerable little girl. We have seen a team put up the first playground at one of our care points. We have seen a team of high school students build a kitchen in just less than a week. We have looked into the happy faces of little children skipping hand in hand with their new American friends. We met a little baby girl who was found next to her dead mother. I wept as I listened at American high school students sharing about their lives; being abandoned and hurt by their own fathers. Thinking, “Where are the godly fathers? How can we tell young people about the father heart of God? And why are more godly men not discipling other men???? ” We have come to realize that young people in Swaziland, America, South Africa … and we guess the rest of the world … have a lot of the same problems, hurts and issues. And it is breaking our hearts.

So this is our summer in a quick nutshell. If you were one of the blessed ones to be here this summer, we want to thank you for coming and serving and loving the children. If you couldn’t make it; we are sorry! We hope to see you soon!