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Hi friends

Just a quick update from us as we are about to finish our first CHC trip for the summer. (Can’t believe it!) It went well and it was good to spend time with the children at the carepoints again. It felt so good to touch and kiss those dirty little cheeks, to hold those little bodies and see those beautiful smiles. It was good to see how well the kids behaved while having a team visiting their carepoint and it was also good to see them play and have fun with their American friends. We visited 2 carepoints this past week with a team from Warren Baptist (Augusta, GA) and on Saturday we had a big fun day for the kids. It was fun watching the team make about 800 or so hotdogs and it was fun watching the kids eat those hotdogs.

We also painted our first building with the colors we have decided to paint all our buildings with. It was so exciting! It looks amazing coming over the hill and then seeing the blue building! (Check out the pictures below.)

God also showed Jumbo and I both that this ministry is His! It is not ours, it is His! I think we somehow got arrogant thinking that it is ‘our’ ministry. But it has been freeing realizing that it is all His and handing it back over to Him.