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Meg Williams made this great video of one of our Christmas Parties in Swaziland. What a great job. This party was at Timbutini and it was for Nthaba’s, Thulwane and Timbutini. We had great fun and the kids had a blast.
Thanks to everyone that made this possible.

2 responses to “Christmas Party Video”

  1. Thank you SO much for this video! I fell on my face and cried before the Lord because I am ruined. My heart is and forever will be with our little babies in Swaziland. You have spent your Christmas celebrating our Lord in the WAY HE intended. We in America spend our Christmases running to and fro. As Isaiah 55 says we in America spend money on what is not bread and our wages for what does not satisfy. I am so convicted of that as I watch you precious servants pour yourselves out daily for the “least of these.” I pray that the Lord will reward you abundantly in His Kingdom to Come!

  2. Jumbo, what a great video. I am so excited to be working with you and Kriek. Had a great time with you this week and I’m looking forward to going to visit Swazi on the 12th.
