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Dear friends

In Matthew 11:28 God makes this promise to us:

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

I know Jumbo blogged about spending time with God a while ago, so I don’t want to say the same things. But in the daily running around, feeling responsible for about 2700 children, discipling people, sorting out problems, fighting against this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms … and remembering that the fight is NOT against flesh and blood … (Ephesians 6:12) we get tired and we forget to go to Christ!

Jumbo and I are taking a short break. I am already on my break and Jumbo will join me in a few days. Please pray with us that we will really seek God for this rest. We are both tired and weary and we feel we need God to step in. It is our desires that God will refresh our souls.

12 responses to “Come to Me …”

  1. Praise God! You deserve a break more than anyone I know!!! We pray that God gives you rest, refreshment, and that He renews your body, mind, heart, and soul! We pray for relaxation and peace in Jesus’ name! Love you both SO much!!!

  2. Kriek,
    I am praying that you get refreshed physically, emotionally, and spiritually on this break. Allow God to show you His deep pleasure in you and the calling you are living out for Him.
    We Love You Both!!

  3. Ek is baie bly dat julle bietjie gaan rus. Ek onthou ook weer op die oomblik dat ek nodig het om stil te raak sodat die Here my weer kan volmaak om te kan gee. Ek het niks om te gee uit myself nie so hoe useful ek vir Hom is hang net af hoe vol my well kan wees… Dankie vir julle goeie voorbeeld… ek het net vroeër vanaand aan julle gedink, en aan Jumbo wat altyd geglo het in “werk hard, speel hard”. Die een kan nie regtig sonder die ander nie want dis hoe God ons ge-wire het! 🙂

  4. Hi Kriek…Hi Jumbo…
    After reading your blogs throughout this past year, this was coming. I’ve felt your burdens and your tiredness and am thankful that GOD allows times of rest and restoration. I trust you both use this time for just that.
    With prayers and a thankful heart for your ministry AND your attentive ear to the Father, Jen Russell

  5. Yes, ek maak so!! God sal Sy kant van die ooreenkoms nakom – dit weet ek!! Enjoy elke oomblik – hoop ons kan mekaar sien

  6. Thank you so much for what ya’ll do for the beautiful children of Swaziland. We are praying for you and Jumbo. Draw from the One who has an endless stream of strength. Love you guys. God Bless!!!

  7. Kriek and Jumbo,
    My prayers are with you as you seek rest, restoration and rejuvination from our Father! He will be faithful, just as both of you are sooo very faithful!

  8. So glad you’re getting time for renewal.
    Praying for all the strength, wisdom, and laughter that you need 🙂

    Love you both.