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Would love to share this video clip with you guys that was shown at the Swazi and Uganda partners conference. It was a wonderful time of enthusiasm, vision and unity. A great time to look at the bigger picture and see where God is leading us as a ministry in Swaziland to take care of the kids in a holistic manner. Excited to see where God will take His ministry here in Swaziland.  

8 responses to “Difference of ONE”

  1. Excellent video, very well done and the one concept hits the nail on the head, like “won by one”.
    Praise the Lord!!

  2. Good video but I thought this was going to be about Clara – the difference of one more in your house!

  3. Thanks for sharing! That was heartwarming, knowing we can’t save the world but we can make a difference in lives one at a time.

  4. Thanks for this Jumbo.
    Thank you for your commitment for the one. We really enjoyed our time together and continue to pray for you guys.

    Loads of love to you guys.

  5. Very convincing. As bad as it gits here for us we are still very blessed. I will help
    God bless

  6. LOVE IT! And our beautiful Swazi trip leader, Danielle Brower, was in it with one of the little carepoint girls that I came to love so much on our September trip. Sharing this one!

  7. Awesome video and message! This is going straight to the blog.

    God bless you and your growing family. Congratulations on the gift of your lovely new daughter, Clara.