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“I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart; I will enter His courts with praise.

I will say this is the day that the Lord has made, I will rejoice for He has made me

glad … “

This was the song I had in my head Saturday (December 6th) during the last Christmas party. God was yet again faithful (even in the smallest details) and the day was a big success. A few hundred children, most dressed in colorful outfits, showed up. We played together, laughed together, danced together, jumped together and had fun together. My heart was overwhelmed with pride and joy. Pride in what the discipleship team has accomplished and joy in what was going on around me.

We saw the story of Daniel acted out (we even saw some big old skeleton bones in the lions’ den). We saw young Swazi warriors doing traditional dances. We listened to carepoint choirs. And we watch as little faces turned into surprised, excited expressions upon receiving back packs and toys.

Thank you so much to all of you who made a contribution to these parties. Thank you for all your prayers and for sending us encouraging messages.

Here are some pictures!

4 responses to “Finally something about the ‘Grand Finale’”

  1. great story – great pics – great end to another great year. Thanks for all you guys do – amazing!

  2. Thank you so much for the pictures! What joy on their beautiful faces. We miss your faces also! Much love and Merry Christmas.