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Hallo friends and family!

Hope 2009 has treated you nicely so far. We have been back in Swaziland for about a week and we have already been running in different directions. Jumbo has been in Nsoko and I have been taking a team around, showing them a small part of our ministry and sharing our hearts for Swaziland with them.

I also had a great first day with the discipleship team. Last year we decided to take the first working day of 2009 and spend it in prayer, studying God’s Word and seeking His face. We asked God to reveal Himself to us and show us Who He really is. It was amazing to listen to the team’s revelations. We also interceded for the carepoints, children, ladies cooking, our work there and for the sponsoring churches. It was a sweet time! 

It looks like 2009 is going to be a busy year. Jumbo sees it as a challenge and I get a bit nervous. But we are excited about it and like David I want to say, “With Your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall.” (Psalm 18:29)

May we scale some walls together in 2009!

11 responses to “Happy New Year!”

  1. So glad to be serving here with you guys. We’re gonna scale several walls together this year!!

    love you guys,

  2. Hi!

    Was dit lekker in Natal? Ons kyk nog vir goedkoop vlieg kaartjies maar ons paspoorte het verval so ons moet dit eers uitsorteer. Seen vir julle

  3. Marcia and I are with you in this challenge – and with our God nothing is impossible. I am praying that in the midst of challenge you can experience fullness of joy and an abundant life as He desires.

  4. Hi Jumbo en Kleinsus! Klink of daar ‘n opwindende jaar ook vir jul voorlê! Mag 2009 vir jul en die bediening groot seën inhou! Mooi foto’s van die partytjie in jul Okt of Nov nuusbrief; die kindertjies lyk omtrent opgewonde en selfs gelukkig! Bly vir jul part jul kon bietjie rus voor nog ‘n besige jaar. Gaan goed hier in China. Staan saam met jul dat ons in 2009 vir die Here oor ‘n paar mure sal spring soos jy tereg uit Ps 18:29 gekwoteer het, Carike! Baie seën vir jul!

  5. When we scale walls with God, you (we) will stand amazed at what God can do – because we know our limitations, but with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE.
    Enjoy the climb. Blessed journey in 2009

  6. Z and I are with you guys too in this challenge! Praying with and for you all.

    Miss you guys. See you soon!


  7. Kriek, Happy New Year to you and Jumbo! I somehow just discovered your blog. It pays to ask specific questions of those HopeChest staff.
    I am praying for you and your work and those precious Swazi children this year. God’s peace and extra measures of strength to you.

  8. We prayed for you this morning during our family devotions…specifically about the busyness, all the teams and short termers, and the demands. We love you guys and so appreciate all you’re doing in our beloved Swaziland!

    Elysa and Family