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This afternoon I am just thinking of one of the best holidays there is – Thanksgiving!!. I love the whole idea of thanksgiving and what this day stands for. So even if we do not celebrate this holiday formally down here in Africa, I am still asking myself the question: What am I thankful for. So here is a little list.

·         I am thankful to be alive and living in this exciting time of tomorrows history

·         I am thankful to Father God for just being Him and that He is part of every aspect of my life.

·         I am thankful to be married to the most precious wife in the world

·         I am thankful for all the people that is helping out

·         I am thankful to have a great D-Team and staff

·         I am thankful for a happy thankful faces

·         I am thankful for the ladies cooking everyday to feed the children

·         I am thankful to see change and be part of it in the lives of the Swazi kids

·         I am thankful to every person that is supporting us personally and the work down here

·         I am thankful for great friends – Here and over the water

·         I am thankful to be able to live my dream here in Swaziland

·         I am thankful that we can help so many people in need

·         I am  thankful for the Lords provision

·         I am thankful for health

·         I am thankful that I can pay the rent every month

·         I am thankful for humor and people that makes you laugh

·         I am  thankful that the Lord has not given up on the World

·         I am thankful for organizations like Adventures in Missions and Children’s Hope chest for wanting to make a difference .

·         I am thankful that the Lord is still in control

·         I am thankful for the rain and the sunshine

·         I am thankful for every person that has build into our lives

Well I am sure there is still more things I am thankful for, but this is a few. Please share some of the things you are thankful for so that we can bring joy to each other and remind each other that live without being thankful is a wasted live.

Happy Thanksgiving.

7 responses to “Happy Thanksgiving”

  1. I am thankful for YOU TWO!!! Love you guys SO much! Can’t wait till I can get back over there to hug your necks! 🙂

  2. While in Canada we celebrated Thanksgiving a few weeks ago here are a few things that I am thankful for

    I am very thankful for my wife Heidi. she is the love of my life and although I probably cause her stress I know she loves me.

    I am thankful for God for sure he has done some great things in my life… and to be honest some not so great (in my eyes) but who am I to second guess God.

    I am very thankful for my ability to go last year to Swaziland and our care point Enalini and Bhobokazi and see all of the kids there but I am especially thankful for seeing Lulamile our special friend. she has brought so much purpose to my life.

    I am very thankful for Jumbo and Kriek for being there… I know all of the kids are very well cared for.

    I am also thankful that Lulamile found a place in school and will now get an education. I see the drive in her and that she is a leader I know that God will open a door for her to give back to her community

    I am very thankful for the men and women who serve in the armed forces who put their life on the line for me to be safe I pray that you come home safe.

    I am thankful for my church and pastor Todd who is a visionary. he drives our church to Life lifes of influence.

    those are a few things that I am thankful for

    now I am not so thankful for the snow we are about to get here in Winnipeg and the -30 degree temperatures we are about to receive but well I guess it makes our summer all the nicer…

    Have a great Thanks Giving everyone


  3. I am thankful for…

    God’s love, truth, grace and strength, and help from the Holy Spirit.

    My superwoman wife and five children.

    Our newly adopted 100 children at our carepoint, and the people of their community.

    Provision for our family, home and abundance to give.

    Peace and security.

    Our community of people growing knowledge of Christ’s second commandment.

    Have a blessed Thanksgiving day!

  4. I am thankful for my trip to Swazi in 2006 through Children’s Hope Chest. Otherwise I would have never met so many incredible people, two of them being Kriek and Jumbo.
    Thank you Lord.