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We just wanted to let you know that somebody broke into our 2 cars at our house last night. The thief got away with about R3500. I, Jumbo, forgot my wallet in the car last night for the first time! Luckily the thief took out the money and left all my bank cards and driver’s license in my wallet and left the wallet for me on my porch. So praise the Lord for that.


We also think that they tried to poison Max and they kicked him in the side, but luckily after I took him to the vet he is doing better. He is a brave dog.


Please pray for us, all our staff, all missionaries here in Swaziland, our ministries and for our protection and safety. Now it feels like the attacks are starting to get personal!


13 responses to “It happens”

  1. Thanks for remaining strong and courageous through so many battles thus far. Take courage from the LORD again and again and stand firm over and over. Lord protect your people in Jesus’ name-You are faithful. Much love and continued prayers!

  2. Sorry! Pray the Lord Jesus recompenses you in abundance and may He be your defender, protector, provider and avenger, in Jesus name! Blessings

  3. I’m standing with you guys in prayer for provision and protection. You two are amazing.

  4. We will continue to pray that God will restore and protect.

    It was such a blessing to spend time with you at Mkhombokati.

  5. We are praying for you guys and for whoever took the money….God will restore what was taken and then some….
    Love you and we will see you soon!

  6. Hi!

    Ag neem man ons bid vir julle spesefiek dan vir beskerming. Hoe gaan dit verder? Blessings vir julle en sterkte.

    Willy en Mandy

  7. unfortunately it does happen. I am so sorry for you…thank God they did not aim to harm either of you! Love you guys!

  8. Hi guys,

    I am thanking God for your safety!!! Love you and I am praying for you!!!

  9. Hi julle 2

    Ai, ek is so jammer. Ek bid maar net vir God se beskerming en vrede. Ons kamp op Kleinmond met n oulike groep kinders