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Okay, so …. if you were thinking the Gerber baby was going to be a boy, like my dear husband did …. so sorry…. you are wrong.
IT IS A GIRL!!!!!!!!!
She is healthy; she has her mommy’s nose and curly toes! (Yes, Lisa, she has my nose!) We are very excited about this news! Daddy already wants to go and buy a shotgun to keep all the boys away!
Below are pictures of her cute little legs and feet and her little face! (Pictures of mommy’s belly will follow in the next couple of days. Promise!)

35 responses to “It is official …. it is a …….”

  1. Isn’t it amazing how clearly you can see the beautiful life inside you? Precious baby girl, with a nose like Kriek’s. She’s going to be absolutely adorable!!

  2. AHHH! I’m so excited! Beautiful photos, I can’t wait to see more as she grows.

    Jumbo you are the perfect guy to have a “daddy’s girl.” I’m sure you two will do a great job.

    We’re praying for your healthy pregnancy! May He be with you every step of the way, holding you in His loving and powerful hand.

  3. We are so HAPPY for the both of you. Just think Jumbo, another little Kriek, how wonderful. Little girl’s have a way of wrapping their dad around their little finger. God has truly blessed you both!!!!Love to you!!!!!

  4. Baie baie geluk, dit is wonderlik. Julle gaan so lekker pop speel en pappa koop maar die geweer om die manne weg te hou.

    Groete en liefde

  5. Congratulations again! We are all so extremely excited for you both. Stephony is trying to get hold of you but she is not able to get through, are you in SA?

  6. Congratulations! She will be gorgeous! I am real good with girls! 🙂 I hope all is well and continue to pray for you and your family and the journey that you are on! Love Brenda

  7. Tears of happy laughter for both of you!
    What a lucky little girl is to have parents like you!!!!

    Ek wonder of sy ‘n ‘D’ soos haar pa sal wees. hehe!

  8. mmm… those scans that show her beautiful intricate little frame reminds me of a scripture…

    Psalm 139:13-15 (The Message)
    Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
    You formed me in my mother’s womb.
    I thank you, High God—you’re breathtaking!

    Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
    I worship in adoration—what a creation!
    You know me inside and out,
    you know every bone in my body;
    You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
    how I was sculpted from nothing into something.

    Like an open book, you watched me grow
    from conception to birth;
    all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
    The days of my life all prepared
    before I’d even lived one day.

  9. Baie geluk! Ek het nogal so ‘n gevoelente gehad en “gehoop” dis ‘n meisiekind!

  10. OHH!! We know how blessed you are and will be with a little baby girl! It is going to be so precious to see Jumbo with this adorable baby girl!! I can’t wait to meet her! God has blessed you! Love all 3 of you!!!

  11. Jumbo + Kriek, we celebrate Gods grace and love He shows us – in so many ways, but new life is always extra special. Hoe gaan dit met Pa. Stuur vir hom liefde van ons.

  12. He will get his boy, we are just getting started!! Amazing, Lisa will scream when she reads this today… agh!!!!! we need to get over there!!

  13. We are so excited for you guys. Of course, I think girl babies are the BEST!!! You will be awesome parents and we can’t wait to walk through this journey with you. We love you all!! Steve, Amy, Katie, Maggie and Ellie. (your future babysitters)

  14. That is on cute kid you got there. The pics of her are so
    clear. Can’t wait til we see the 1st photos of her on the outside world. Miss you guys.

  15. BEAUTIFUL!!! So glad to hear this news and to know you are doing well! We love you guys (and baby gerber!) 😉

  16. okay, screaming, crying….will pull myself together and GO SHOPPING!!!!! Pink, Pink, and some more PINK!!!
    PS. she is SOOOO cute!!

  17. Congratulations Kreik and Matt! Praying for your continued health through your pregnancy and the joy this child will bring to your lives and our world in the years to come. Tresa & Rob

  18. Hey Jumbo,

    Benelli makes a shotgun with a rifled barrel, so you can load it with a slug and take out potential suitors from 100 yards.

    Just sayin’



    She is so beautiful!!!!!!!!

    I love her already!!!!!!!!

    I cannot wait to get my hands on her!!!!!!!!!!

    I wish I was there NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I love you both so much and I am so thrilled that God is giving you the desires of your heart!!!!!!!!

    A Beautiful Daughter!!!!!


    My Sweet Precious Grand-Daughter!!!!

  20. WOW!!! She’s beautiful!! I’m very excited for you! I can’t wait to meet her! I’m also looking forward to seeing pictures of your belly! Blessings to you! :)shelley

  21. Congrats!!!! Girls are made of sugar and spice. You will have a ball buying clothes for her – there are some many more options for girls.

  22. Amazing! She’s so cute! Can’t wait for the belly pic’s! God bless you 3!!

  23. Yeahhh, congratulations guys. So very happy for ya’ll. Praying for baby girl Gerber!!!

  24. How wonderful!! God is so good, isn’t He??
    She will be beautiful inside and out, with parents like you.
    Love ya,
    P.S. “Judie” is a nice name, don’t ya think?

  25. Baie geluk julle. Sy is nog nie eers gebore nie, en is al klaar volmaak.Pragtig

  26. I finally got around to checking my emails! I’m so excited for all three of Girls are so special! I loved the pictures of you and your growing belly! You make a very cute pregnant mom! Missing you, missing Swaziland! Love you guys! please post more pictures!!