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Today we went to the doctor for our first scan. It was absolutely amazing. We feel like it is hard to describe in words at this stage the overwhelming emotions we are experiencing. Defnitely an overwhelming thankfulness towards God for this miracle of life!
Jumbo says he has no words to describe the pride and emotions that was present in him when he first saw and heard the heart beat! He is going to be a very proud daddy! 
Oh, I almost forgot to give you some more information. I am about 12 weeks pregnant and the due date is November 27th. So we will have a summer baby! According to the scan and the doctor the baby is looking healthy and everything is as it is suppose to be! Baby is 5,9cm (just over 2 inches) long and already VERY active!
Here is an image of the scan! There is a miracle growing in my tummy!

32 responses to “It is REAL!!”

  1. Eeeeee! So amazing and exciting!!!! I am soooo happy for you guys! Praying for health and joy through this whole journey with baby. Have a great day floating on your cloud 🙂

  2. Oh, we are sooooooooooooooo happy for the both of you. God is so good, all the time. What wonderful parents you will be. Praying for a good pregnancy and health. This is such a special blessing from God.

  3. OH Kriek and Jumbo! What a blessing! Thank you so much for sharing your joy with us! I can’t wait to see you in just a couple weeks. Praising God for his wonderful blessings!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing the picture. God is awesome and the miracle of a baby is one of His most awesomest in my opinion. I know you have prayed long for this miracle in your life and I am so very happy for you.

  5. Kriekie,

    I am so, so, so happy that all is well with Baby Gerber. Can’t wait to meet Emi’s little boyfriend. I love you guys and miss you. See you in a few days my friend.

  6. Enjoy every step and every scan; this is your initiation Krieky – this life grows, you have very little to say in the matter – you nurture, feel, and then give life to life… what a miracle you are and it is; birth!

  7. Wow – how wonderful to see God’s awesome creation at work as He knitted your little one in your womb. I can’t imagine what incredible things the Lord has in store for your child as He ordained that she/he would be a prophet, teacher, evangelist or whatever endless amounts of tasks He has placed ahead already. What Godly examples you have already exemplified in this little one’s life. By the way, I didn’t see whether you are having a girl or boy! I guess you are waiting on a surprise? The Lord never ceases to amaze me in displaying His awesome Glory through His creation. Can I touch your belly when I come? You are loved by so many here!

  8. The greatest miracle is to be born again, but gods gift of a child is very close. May you both enjoy this time of preparation. Blessings to you 3.

  9. The greatest miracle is to be born again, but gods gift of a child is very close. May you both enjoy this time of preparation. Blessings to you 3.

  10. We celebrate with you and are overjoyed with your blessing!
    Hearing the heart beat and seeing the scan of the new life growing inside of you is truly an amazing thing … something wonderful to hold onto until you hold that baby in your arms.

    Carolyn & Todd

  11. Hi julle 2
    Dit is fantastiese nuus, ek is so bly vir julle.
    Dit is `n opwindende tyd! Ek is nou 26 weke swanger, dit raak net al hoe beter, ek kan al voel hoe sy skop en beweeg in my maag….
    Geniet elke oomblik.

  12. WOW!!! Every little life is such a miracle and blessing from God. So happy for you!! So thankful to God. Thanks for keeping us updated. Will you find out what you are having? Even though we are across the ocean, I love that we can follow you in this journey!!! I need to go buy some bottles!! If you are finding out what you are having, I will wait until we know to pick ones that fit!!
    LOVE YOU!!!!

  13. Pregnancy, birth, nursing your baby and holding so close…it’s all so amazing and miraculous. YOu will experience new dimensions of a Father’s love for his children and be amazed anew at his love for us. Praying blessings for this little one and for both of you.

  14. Dankie vir die foto. Ek kan my voorstel hoe trots julle moet wees veral Mathys . Sterkte vorentoe . Kan nie wag vir die volgende scan. Liefde

  15. Congratulations again! I am SO happy that we get to share in the journey of a little life growing inside of you. The utmost praise be to God for this miracle. Blessings to you and Jumbo!

  16. Woo hoo! So excited for you both. Hayden will be pumped since his birthday is November 27th. Love to your whole family.

  17. Love it! Love it!!! I am so thrilled for you and the blessing that the Lord has provided. Your baby will be 2.5-3 months when I meet him/her! Enjoy every moment. Thanks for the update.
    love Brenda

  18. Hi Honey!!!

    So glad that you and Jumbo got to meet your baby today!!! How cool is that!! God has soooooo honored ya’ll.

    The good news is there is ONE!!! No more worrying! LOL

    I love you both so much and I am thrilled for our new baby!!

    Big Hug,


  19. Good thing you don’t live here in Winnipeg otherwise it would be a winter baby and you’d need snow boots and a parka! haha Very happy for you and I know you will do motherhood proud!

  20. Aai, hoe lekker kan dinge raak!!! Ek en Anli is so bly saam met julle. Wat ‘n wonderwerk is die lewe nie. Die foto’s laat my altyd dink aan stuk in die bybel waar hulle praat van hoe God jou fyn aan mekaar geweef het in jou moederskoot. Dit is vir my wonderlik om te dink dat God nou besig is om julle wonderwerk fyn en noukeurig aan mekaar te weef. Julle moet die wonderlike tyd baie saam met mekaar geniet.
    Baie liefde
    Pieter Combrink

  21. Dit is n wonderlike tyd!!!! Geniet elke oomblik, en ek weet julle gaan die mees fantastiese twee ouers wees!!!!!

  22. The hand of God touches us all in so many ways. He has given you both a blessing like no other.. I am so happy for you both! I look forward to seeing you soon. Take care of you and baby.

  23. I am so thrilled for you both, Kriek! Our God is so awesome!! You may not remember me, I’m one of the Westwood Baptist Church’s prayer ministry members who prayed for you in that tiny room after the luncheon that Thursday. I just knew God would bless you, just didn’t know when. You are very special servants and I pray for a healthy, wonderfully bouncing baby!!!
    Love and prayers,