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I can’t believe how fast the time is flying. The first trip after the World Cup is done and the team is already back home. It is always a blessing to Vanguard church here and this year was no difference. The rest of the year are also already fully booked. (Not sure when to schedule having this baby!!!)

Currently our friend Amber is here helping out again. It is such a blessing to have her here; she truly has a servant’s heart. We also have a new staff member from the USA. Her name is Megan and I am so thankful for her as well. She and Ncobile have been taking care of al the yearly profile updates at a lot of the carepoints and I have been able to stay home more and try to catch up on some administrative things. When coming to teams my role has definitely changed. I am no longer going out to the carepoints with all the teams (Jumbo does more of that now). I am doing a lot of the ‘behind the scenes’ things …. Like shopping for whatever the team might need, preparing lunches and making a lot of the arrangements.

My mom also came for a quick, unexpected visit and it is so nice to have her here with us. Jumbo’s dad is doing well and he is gone for a few days visiting Jumbo’s sister.
Through all of this I also have this huge desire ‘to nest’!! I want to get the house ready; I want to get baby’s room ready. Amber and another awesome friend of mine started painting baby’s room on Saturday. I am so blessed and so enjoying this time of spoiling and pampering!

I am also doing some sorting and repacking in the house and I came upon a little notebook where I made some notes of church messages I listened to or attended. One of them was a message by Pastor Walter, the local pastor we are working with. I really want to share some of it with you.

He was preaching from Luke 8:43-48 about the woman with the issue of blood and he was saying that Swaziland is a country with an issue of blood because of AIDS. Many people were touching Jesus that day, but He knew exactly when someone with faith touched Him. So there is definitely a difference between touching Jesus and touching Jesus with faith! Pastor Walter urged his congregation to go to Jesus in faith; to be different than the Swazi’s around then. This woman also went against her culture; as a woman she wasn’t suppose to be there, but because she had faith and she was desperate, she pushed through. Many times we do not have enough faith, because we are not desperate enough. So in this country where people live in desperation, we need to see that this desperation turns into faith. It is time for the Swazi people to look and truly turn to Jesus with a desperate faith, and not to the ancestors, or the witch doctors, or to the aid that comes from outside of Swaziland. Swaziland needs to see the power of God and not just the preaching of His word. The Kingdom of God is a kingdom of power and not of words.

17 responses to “Just a little update”

  1. Jumbo looks soooooo disappointed!! Love these shots… and the message, miss you guys

  2. What a great sermon from Pastor Walter. I love your passion for the Swazi people. God bless you and your work there! I absolutely love the picture of you two! Jumbo looks so excited!! Praying for health and safety for you guys and the baby.

  3. Love that message Sisi! And I LOVE these pictures! You look beautiful…that baby bump is just too cute! Can’t wait to meet your little girl; wish we were closer and could come visit but I’m so glad to hear you have wonderful people taking care of you. Give everyone our love! And tell that little girl in your belly that next time we come visit we will bring her some baby AUBURN clothes! 😉

  4. Love you guys!! So glad things are working well with Megan and Amber…some much needed help – with more on the way!!

    Thanks for the pictures!! For a moment, I thought Jumbo was the one writing the blog – I was trying to figure out why he was having the urge to nest??? Anyway –

    Our love to you – we miss you so much but know you are doing well. Take care –

    larry and ashley

  5. Thanks for sharing the pictures. Kreik you are absloutely beautiful an glowing. Soooooooooooooooo happy for you & Jumbo.

  6. Love it! Love it!!! Great update and pics. I am thrilled that you have some much needed help. I agree with the others that you look amazing, fantastic, truly happy. I am glad to see that bump! Jumbo looks like the proud papa!
    Can’t wait to be back. love Brenda

  7. Kriek you look so great! I love reading your updates because they make me not feel so far away. I am praying for you and Jumbo, and of course for Swaziland and the day that I hope God sends me back! I have been getting a lot of sad news lately from Tengetile ( my friend you met that went to church with us) her little girl Sna passed away. The message you shared is encouraging though, thanks for sharing.

  8. Kriekie jy lyk pragtig!! WOnderlik om te hoor dit gaan goed. Groete ve Matthysie.



  9. Thank you for the word! Wow!!! You look AMAZING!! I love Jumbo’s expression! He looks VERY excited!! Excited to be a father, and SO proud to show you off. Continued blessings to you both! It’s wonderful you have much support & love!

  10. Kriek & Jumbo,

    A picture paints a 1,000 words. The overflowing joy in your faces warms our hearts. I wish I could rub your belly Kriek! A women carrying a child is a beautiful sight. The moon has been spectacular this week. While gazing upward, I reflect on the blessings of our friends in Swaziland hoping you to are seeing how the heavens declare His glory as well.

    Love and Blessings your way!

    Beth & Ashley

  11. Hi Kriek, You are looking so well. Enjoy this time – and yes, the mother instinct wants to get her “nest ready” – so, do not keep so busy with other things that the Lord is not expecting of you at his time. This is a very special time for you and your little one. Send our love and blessings to Jumbo + Oupa

  12. Glad to see the team is holding things together, or I should say that you able to hold the team together from home! lol Miss you guys and have alreadybought many gifts for our special friend even though t’s8 months away from our next visit!

  13. Love the last part of your article about the woman with the issue of blood and faith. So happy to see you and Jumbos joy and excitement on your faces about your little joy that will soon be here. See you soon.