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“NEW LIFE” is the theme for our women’s camp coming up June 12-14 for the women who cook at our care points and sew for Timbali Crafts. In a place with so much death, we’re getting really excited about God is going to do during our weekend focused on LIFE…true life found in Jesus. The camp will hopefully have close to 80 women in attendance, including the 40+ women from Nsoko who just started sewing for Timbali last fall. This will be the first time all of the women have been together and they are excited for the opportunity.

The cost for each woman will be around $25.
you can do so through the AIM website:
(Choose Swazi Craft Co-op in the drop down menu.)
Here are some stories and pics from Julie Anderson’s blog, ( who works with these women and heads up Timbali Crafts…
A while ago my friend Nomsa told me I needed to come to visit her home so she could show me what she has done with money she’s earned through Timbali Crafts. Nomsa is a precious woman, who works hard, never complains and has a beautiful smile. Yesterday afternoon Ellie and I, and a few other friends, were able to visit the home of Nomsa and her family.
Nomsa and her husband, their 6 children, 3 other children they care for, and her husband’s mother all live on the same homestead. Nomsa’s house is small, only one room made from stick and mud, with a very leaky roof that was threatening to cave in during heavy rains. There were several other similar stick and mud homes/rooms shared by the family members and also a concrete block home (one room) for the grandmother. What Nomsa was so excited to show us was the nearly finished concrete block house/room that they have been able to build using money she had earned through the purses she sews. We captured some great pictures during our visit, but I wish you all could have seen Nomsa in person yesterday-she was BEAMING with the excitement of visitors to her home and showing off what the Lord has provided. It was such a good time of rejoicing with my friend. There was one less chicken running around their yard yesterday afternoon, as Nomsa had also prepared a meal for us! I hope it encourages you as it did me to see the good things the Lord is providing for these precious women!

I met as usual yesterday with the Timbali women to cut fabric. Afterwards about 17 of us piled into the van to go and visit Thoko. I heard on Sunday that Thoko’s daughter, had passed away over the weekend. About 9 months ago I blogged about a couple of trips I’d made to a local HIV/AIDS clinic with Thoko’s daughter Lindiwe. At only 24 she had been too weak to walk, barely able to speak, and had to be pushed in a wheel barrowdown a small path to the road where I could pick them up. Lindiwe had been doing pretty well for a while, but in the last couple weeks grew weak again, and finally passed away on Friday. This is the third child Thoko has lost in the last few years, and her husband is also very sick.

We drove as far as we could in the van, then walked across a small valley to Thoko’s homestead. As we got close one of the women started singing a song and the others joined in. Everyone took their shoes off at the door and crowded into the small 7’x7′ stick and mud hut. We sat on the floor and sang, prayed and shared scripture with Thoko. It’s hard to imagine the heaviness of Thoko’s grief.

During the afternoon Psalm 62:8 kept coming to mind, and I shared it with the women while we were sitting in Thoko’s house: “Trust in the Lord at all times, O people. Pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.” I pray that Thoko will know that they can pour out their hearts to the Lord, that they can trust Him and that they can find refuge in Him.

Nomsa and Thoko are just some of the women that will be attending the “NEW LIFE” camp. These times away can be great times of encouragement, refreshment and healing. Please consider helping to make it happen!

3 responses to “NEW LIFE”

  1. Yipee for new life and for the go-go’s. Hopefully we’ll be there by then:)love ya

  2. I’m rejoicing in the respite that this “LIFE” getaway will surely bring to these women! May the Holy Spirit speak through all of you as you speak, encourage and teach these beautiful women, some of whom I have had the privilege to meet! I am trusting our Lord to provide the money for every woman that needs to attend to be there. Our GOD is rich and HE will provide!