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Thank you to all of you prayed for me after my accident and for the Christmas party this weekend and thank you for all the encouraging messages we received! My body is still sore, but I have no visible bruises (praise God!!!) and I am feeling much better! And the Christmas party went really well! We have seen and experienced God’s faithfulness and goodness continuously throughout this weekend!

We had lots of help leading up to the party and by early Friday afternoon we had everything ready! The AIM Real Life team helped by packing gift and candy bags and they also decorated cakes … a lot of cakes that my poor mom baked! (Yes, we even have my mom here this year helping!) The team and my mom are a huge blessing to me. We also had a team from a South African church that came to help us. They decorated the inside of the building and they even put up a Christmas tree! It was the first time we had a Christmas tree! It was so fun.

The kids arrived with much excitement on Saturday. For a lot of them it was their first time to see the huge playground and they immediately ran to it and started playing. It was more than satisfying hearing the laughter of kids playing and running around. Lunch was of course another big favorite and the kids enjoyed their big plates of food. After lunch they received their gifts, candy and cake! It was awesome to see their little faces.

Everything went so well and so smooth and there was no chaos at all!!!! We thank God for this!!!!

20 responses to “Party #1”

  1. Seeing those kids arrive in the trailer and then playing ~ there were soooo many of them… it warmed my heart and made me wish I were with you again. I am so glad you are OK. HUGS from North Carolina.

  2. Yipee- a fine celebration! Thank you for sharing the pictures- we all wish we could have been there too! May the Lord be praised for His loving care of you Kriek, Jumbo, and all of these precious Swazi kiddos! Love ya!

  3. It was really special!! And their smiles are so GENUIN, without pretending, make me feel content with what I’ve got – it’s more than enough!!

  4. WONDERFUL!!!!! I love seeing these pictures! And Kriek we are so so glad you are ok! We had prayer time for you too that morning, and sent out the request through our blog. Praise God He protected you!

  5. Great pics- great job all around – love those cakes! And thank the Lord for the help – RLMT, Kriek’s mom – and the SA church.

  6. Awesome job folks. You guys are such a blessing to the kids out there.

    Love you both…

    God Bless

  7. How wonderful! Just makes me smile so BIG that the kids and you and Jumbo were blessed in such a way! GOD is AMAZINGLY good ALL THE TIME!

  8. Great pics, thanks for all your work and glad you’re doing OK Kriek. We’re praying for you.

  9. Thanking God that you are ok Kriek. The pictures are wonderful and brought back so many memories of this past summer at the party at Timbutini for the children. They are so very precious. Looking forward to being back with them and you and Jumbo and the disciple team next year, only 6 more months. Thank you for all you do and for loving these precious children.

  10. Yeahhhhhhh God!!!! Glad you are feeling better Kriek. Great job, thank you for all you guys are doing, I am continuing in prayer. And thank your Mommy for me, for making all those cakes, her reward is in heaven.

  11. Wonderful!! Thanks for sharing these pictures. I’m so glad you’re okay. May God continue to bless you and Jumbo and all the children you love so well in His name.

  12. Hi Kriek,

    Jy het ons groot laat skrik – net bly jy is beter. Pieter het probeer bel, maar kon nie deur kom nie. Sterkte met al die partytjies. Ons het ‘n paar goedjies vir julle.

  13. Hi Kriek,

    Jy het ons groot laat skrik – net bly jy is beter. Pieter het probeer bel, maar kon nie deur kom nie. Sterkte met al die partytjies. Ons het ‘n paar goedjies vir julle.

  14. Wow–looks like everything was wonderful. Oce again so thankful that Kriek is doing well. The photos are fabulous.

  15. I love seeing this! And, wow! at all the cake! Thank you so much for doing all this for the kids!

  16. hey there, i was on the phone talking to scott borg about my family’s first step to start moving toward a long term commitment over there and he got a call from you there about your wifes accident. i pray healing over her and protection on you two. look forward to meeting you in feb on the vision trip.