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Praise God for another great Christmas party! A little bit more chaotic, but still good. I saw many more thankful, smiling little faces this time. It was so cute to watch the little ones looking into their bags to see what toys they received.

This past Saturday we celebrated with Bhalekane, Mkhombokati and Bhobokazi at Bhalekane carepoint. We had a missionary pastor from the Wesleyan Church who shared the Christmas story with the children and used some of the kids in a little Christmas play. The older children from Bhalekane also acted out the story of Christmas after the Message.

We want to especially thank Vanguard Church in Colorado, CO for their donation towards buying extra backpacks for the bunches of new kids at their carepoint.

Enjoy the pics!

8 responses to “Party #2”

  1. I love being here and working with you my friend! Here’s to growing in faith with you for a long time…….


  2. Even in St. Petersburg, Russia; Swaziland, Mkhombokati, Jumbo, Kriek, Dennis and the D-Team are not far from my heart.

    Praying for you often!


  3. Thank you for taking the time to share!

    WOW! You all are making some kiddos really, really HAPPY! I love seeing the smiles! It makes my heart BIG!

    We are so thankful for you, Kriek and Jumbo! Unsung heroes!

  4. These pictures are priceless-THANK YOU for posting them. I do pray for the Lord’s favor, blessing, love, and joy to be poured out on you and Kriek during the holidays just as you have done for the hundreds of kids there. Love ya

  5. I love seeing all of our kids with smiles on their faces and knowing that they have once again experienced God’s love through your ministry. Thanks for sharing those. They brightened my day. I cannot believe how much some of them have grown even since June!!! We are less than 4 months away from coming back!!!!!
    Love you guys,