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To all of you who are praying so faithfully for us, I just want to thank each one of you. I also want to call each one of you to continue to pray for Pastor Walter and his family. I just got of the phone with Lelo and he informed me that the same guys that robbed Pastor Walter a week ago has returned.

Lelo caught 3 of the five guys that robbed Walter, but the other 2 returned and tried again to get into his house. Because some of you were so gracious to give some money, we were able to secure Walter’s house. So they could not get into the house, but they tried to break through the wall with a pick ax and threw stones through the windows. One of the stones hid Nomsa, but she is okay. The family is very shocked. We moved Walter and his family to one of our team houses and they will stay there for now. The past events are very worry some for us and I believe that we need to step up to the plate and start praying against what is happening.

I believe that the jealousy in this community and the attitude of “everyone should rather have nothing, than someone having something” is spiritual strongholds that can be broken through prayer and trusting the Lord to give us the answer. So please join us in spending time with the Lord and praying specifically for the victory over these strongholds in the community.

Thank you that we can share this with you and that we can know that many of you will intercede on behalf of one of our main ministry partners in Swaziland. Let’s overcome this giant together.   

17 responses to “Please pray with us”

  1. Father,
    Right now I pray for your STRONG arm to protect Walter and Nomsa…I ask for healing from injuries to Nomsa’s body and to both their spirits. I ask for the Holy Spirit to convict those that are causing harm and that You would be the hedge of protection around Your dear children. Lord, I also ask that for encouragement, peace, hope, joy and love to overwhelm ALL the people involved. I also ask that for the evil to be BOUND in Jesus’ name and truth, love, peace, understanding, forgiveness, humility, gratitude, justice, and mercy be LOOSED in the hearts of the robbers, the go-gos, the children, Walter and Nomsa.
    Lord, there is BIG attack going on at the Carepoints and elsewhere in Swaziland and Lord, I am certain it is because people are being submitted and obedient to You…so please protect and lift up Your people. Please pour countless blessings over Walter, Nomsa, their children, Jumbo, Carike, Lelo, all the D team, Dennis, Swakele, and all leaders there.
    Father, we love You and thank You for Your power, Your provision, Your love. We worship and honor You, O Lord…Your will be done…May it be so.

  2. It’s hard for us to realize how tough it can be ministering in a place where survival is always an issue. Walter is a hero and we need to come around him.

  3. My heart is grieved by what Walter is experiencing. Please let him know that we are praying for him, love him, and that we are for him. You guys are not alone! Our church will be praying for God’s intervention.

  4. The enemy never tires of trying to stop the work of those who are doing the LORD’S work…We know he is defeated!! We are on our knees and in the gap for all of you there, and praying for the people of Swazialnd. 1 Thes 5:17

  5. It is our honor to be able to pray on behalf of such an awesome man of God and his beautiful family! We continue to lift ya’ll up as well. We are also petitioning for the D-Team and all of the folks in Swazi pouring themselves out for Christ! We pray that Pastor Walter and his family will not be shaken! We love ya’ll!

  6. 1 Samuel 17:3 The Philistines occupied one hill and the Israelites another, with the valley between them.

    The battle lines have been drawn. It is very clear what is going on here. We have to be David. We have to focus on God and believe He will deliver us from evil. We just have to.
    David clearly saw the enemy for who he was – and when we can clearly see the enemy then we can fight, or defend, in a much better way.

    1 Samuel 17:48 As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. 49 Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground.

    Our Goliath, in this case, are the men who come to steal money, security and sense of safety. But they will not win. We know how the story ends. In the meantime, count us in to gather stones from the creek. With God, we will not miss the mark.

  7. I have alerted the Vanguard prayer team today.

    We are coming into agreement for this situation by targeting our intercession this way:

    I am submitting this prophetic drawing from Donna given last week by the Holy Spirit for this season with Romans 16:20 (amp) And the God of peace will soon crush satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

    <>James 4:2 (for the robbers) and we declare a hedge of protection by: Lift up over all the [covering] shield of saving faith, upon which you can quench all the flaming missiles of the wicked {one}. Eph 6:16 (amp)

    note:don’t know how to send jpeg of pic.

  8. We are joining in the prayers being lifted up for Walter and Nomso, and the people of the carepoints.

  9. I am joining in on prayer for Pastor Walter and his family. Praying Psalm 91 over them.

    Grace, peace and blessings.

  10. Jumbo, I am also praying for Walter’s family.
    Please let him know that many people care deeply about him and his family, and we are covering him with our prayers.

    With love.