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For those of you who haven’t met or seen me on Facebook yet ….. My name is Clara Christine Gerber and today I am one week old! Here is a little update of my first week:

I came into this world through a Caesarian birth on Tuesday, November 23rd. (Is that how you spell it?) Mommy did really well and is still recovering well. We left the hospital on the Thursday (after I had some x-rays taken of me AND daddy getting the change to do his first diaper change …. Mommy wasn’t there to see it and she regrets it!)
My first outing, coming out of the hospital, was to the Department of Home Affairs where we had to apply for my passport. Here we really experienced God’s favor. What should have taken us 2 weeks, took us about 35 minutes and we walked out of the building with my passport! This meant we could go home; so on Saturday we packed our car (boy, did we have a lot of stuff!) and headed home.

We have enjoyed being home and trying to get into some kind of a routine! I have already met some new friends and I like all of them! (Cant’t wait to meet a lot of you reading this update!) Grandma Kemp is here helping mommy and it has been great. And Grandpa Gerber walks around with a proud grin on his face the whole time!

One of my most favorite things to do is to sleep on my daddy’s chest! (Which is now slightly bigger than usual ….. because he is so proud to be my daddy!) And I am enjoying my special times with mommy while she feeds me in our very special rocking chair!

Thank you to everyone who prayed for us during the delivery and also send us all those messages. I know mommy and daddy appreciate it a lot!

Oh, the rest of the staff here are finishing up with Christmas parties this week. Everything has been going so well and everybody is enjoying it! I can’t wait to be a little bit older and visit the carepoints with mommy!

38 responses to “Please to meet you!!!”

  1. Beautiful! I wish I were there to see her in person. I’m excited for the both of you!

  2. Welcome, little Clara! How beautiful you are! What a pleasure to meet you after praying for you for so many months! How blessed you are to be loved by so many and to have such loving parents! We can’t wait to meet you, sweetness! Praying for the three of you!

    The Wileys

  3. And SO pleased to meet YOU, beautiful precious little Clara! You are so honoured and privileged to have a mommy and daddy like yours – God knew exactly who to choose to be your mommy and daddy. Please send my fondest love to your special family at home and tell them I hope to visit them during 2011. Will you also tell them that we always pray for them and all the little children they care for. Drukkies en soentjies van tannie Estelle, oom Franky, Francois en Jacques

  4. Clara the only birth that has been more celebrated than yours is that of our savior Jesus Christ!! Don’t stop posting pictures it brings such delight to all who love you and your parents! Can’t wait to kiss your sweet cheeks!

  5. Hello Clara! Ek dink dis baie cool dat ek en jy dieselfde tweede naam gekry het 🙂 Jy is ‘n baie mooi klein dogtertjie en weet jy wat, liewe Jesus is verskriklik lief vir jou want jy is geseënd met ‘n baie spesiale mamma en pappa!

  6. Welcome Clara Christine! You are “fearfully and wonderfully made” & absolutly adorable! Our Riverwood Team was in Swaziland when you mommy and daddy first announced the news that they would be having you and now it is such a pleasure to meet you. I will look forward to meeting you face to face when our team comes in March. Congratulation Jumbo and Kriek on your beautiful baby girl!

  7. Congratulations! She is absolutely adorable. What a beautiful baby! We are thrilled for you guys!

  8. Oh my sweet angel, I am so glad to meet you too!!!

    I can not wait to get my arms around you!!! I also want to hug your mommy and daddy.

    Don’t grow to quickly, I will be there soon!!!!

    Big Hug and Kiss,


  9. Hey Clara,

    You were really lucky to get your passport so quick. I still don’t have mine, and I was born a year ago! I can’t wait to meet you in Swaziland. My mommy and daddy say we get to go there in February and I can’t wait. I hope you and your mommy are doing really well, and that you’re both getting some sleep. I really like to sleep on my daddy’s shoulder too.
    love you,
    Emi Adison Deetlefs

  10. Oh, how BEAUTIFUL Clara is. We are so happy to see the pics and are so happy for ya’ll.
    Clara, you are so blessed that God chose the mommy and daddy that you have. They are wonderful people and love God will all their heart. We will be coming to Swaziland in May 2011 and will be so glad to meet you in person.
    You take care of mommy and daddy and remember that prayers for you came all the way from the USA and we love you!!!!

  11. This is so wonderful!! We are so happy and excited for you and it is causing quite a stir here at Capital Church in Salt Lake City, Utah. A big welcome to this world from us!!! I absolutely love your posting and just look so very forward to meeting you. You have been truly blessed with awesome parents and a great big worldwide family who loves you!

  12. Clara is BEAUTIFUL!! The Overstreet family looks forward to meeting her. No sweeter moments than holding your precious bundle of joy. Praying for sleep filled nights & for Kriek’s recovery. Enjoy the journey of parenting! God teaches us powerful lessons through it.


    Jim, Beth, Ashley, Allie, & Taylor

  13. So very happy for you guys! Can’t wait to see you all and have my chance at holding Clara!

  14. Welcome Clara!

    Your family and extended family couldn’t be happier or my proud!

    Mommy – well done.

    Daddy – love the pic of you and Clara.

  15. Welcome to the world Clara!! You are one beautiful little girl!! I can’t wait to meet you one of these days. Tell your mom and dad hello and know that there’s a lot of people that love you a whole lot! 🙂

  16. Hello Miss Clara! You are absolutely precious and like soo many others, I can’t wait to meet you in person too! Say “Hi” to your mommy, daddy, Grandma Kemp, and Grandpa Gerber for me. I know they all love you more than you can imagine!

  17. Welcome, Welcome precious Clara. Looks like Daddy’s chest was made just for you! Along with all the others I can hardly wait to meet you and squeeze your mom and dad and of course love on all of you! Thanking the Lord for your safe arrival and trusting you to His perfect care. See you soon! love Brenda

  18. Nou moet die tyd sommer vinnig verby!! Gelukkig net nog 3 weke, dan kan ek jou pragtige lyfie vashou en op jou wangetjies soen! LOVE die pic van jou en jou pappa!

  19. Congratulations Gerber Clan…and ‘welcome’ baby Clara! I too can’t wait to meet you and hold you! Praying for a continued, speedy recovery for mommy, and I sure LOVE that picture of you on your daddy! We just need one of you and your mommy together!

  20. Welkom Clara! Jy is een bondeltjie liefde. Tannie kan nie wag om jou te sien nie en sommer baie drukkies te gee nie. Stuur baie liefde vir Pappa en Mamma en dan ook vir Ouma en Oupa daar by jou. Jy is baie spesiaal vir my en dan nog meer spesiaal vir God.

  21. SY IS PRAGTIG!!!! Die wonderwerk van ouers word!!! Het sommer trane in my oe. Baie geluk!!!!
    Clara jy het wonderlike ouers!!!!


  22. Dearest Baby Clara,

    So glad to meet you my dear. I know how happy your folks are that you have finally arrived. They have been eagerly anticipating your birth.
    You such a special girl. You name means famously bright, so “let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Daddy in heaven”.

    Loads of love from the Smith’s!!

  23. Welcome beautiful, Clara! You have a wonderful life ahead of you with two great parents who love the Lord. Praying for Mommy to recover quickly.
    Love to all,
    Amy & Henry

  24. Rejoice my soul and sing GLORY TO THE LORD. This song came into my heart looking at these beautiful photos. We give Glory to the Lord for this special gift, Clara.
    Kriek, Jumbo en oupa Johan, geniet julle klein mensie.

  25. Kriek and Jumbo, What a beautiful baby girl. I’m so happy she has arrived safe and sound! It was so nice to be able to see the pictures of her. You will find out that girls are very special,you guys are blessed to have her. I look forward to getting a first hand account from her. Auntie Carol when she arrives. Love to all of you.

  26. Oh my gosh, she’s so precious, I wish I was there to see her in person. Congratualtions 😀

  27. Yeah!!! What a beautiful little girl!! We’re so proud of you guys and really hoping to meet her someday 🙂 Way to go, God!

  28. It is a wonderful pleasure to meet you Clara. Welcome to the world. You will grow, live and flourish according to God’s wonderful plan for your life. Send my blessings to your Mom and Dad and grandparents. I look forward to meeting you in person next year when our team comes to visit our Swazi friends at Ludlati Carepoint.

  29. Oh how beautiful you are, baby Clara.
    My first impulse when I saw your picture is that you were born with feet meant for walking… walking along-side those on the margins.

    Lord Jesus, I pray that Clara will walk fully into your Kingdom, that she will lead and teach others with your endless love, and that she will know the power of your Spirit leading her.

    Much love, Erin

  30. Te dierbaar. Baie geluk julle, dis seker die mooiste amper Kersgeskenk. Die pa en dogter pic sal definitief foto vd jaar wen. Baie liefde.