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From Kriek: 

Sorry you had to wait for this blog. The princess party was fun! I didn’t get to take a lot of pictures; I was having too much fun with all the princesses! I played with them, I ran with them, I giggled with them, I painted some finger nails (pink, of course!), I kissed a good bunch of them, loved on them, and prayed and begged God to reveal to them just how special they really are.

I LOVE these little girls and I just want God’s best for them; and I know God wants it even more for them. Here are a few pictures!

We have also been hanging out this week with the team from Salem Chapel at their carepoint. It was their first time to visit their carepoint and they did a really good job. It was nice to see how the kids especially enjoyed the new songs the team toughed them. On Saturday we did a special day with the kids. The ladies cooked a great meal of meat and rice and salad. The team did a VBS with the kids, wiped the feet of the kids, gave them new shoes and prayed over each one of them. It was raining though and it did make the day somewhat of a challenge, since we didn’t have any shelter.

This also happens to be one of the new carepoints we are working at and I really don’t know the kids so well. But it happened again … I lost my heart! There was this cute little girl (the one in red in the picture below) who kept calling me auntie. At some stage she was even brave enough to ask me my name, but she had a hard time pronouncing the β€˜Kr’ part of my name, so she just continued calling me auntie. Soooooo sweet!!!!! She followed me around for the day and then grabbed me around the legs when it was time to go. It was hard to let her go home … to a home I do not know … to a situation that I might never be able to even imagine.

8 responses to “Promised update”

  1. Love you both and I’m so thankful for all you do! Wish I would have been at the princess party. πŸ™‚

  2. Thanks SO much for the update because I’ve been eagerly waiting for it! Thank you too, for blessing these little ladies, and for being the feet, hands, and heart of God! πŸ˜‰

  3. I’m so happy you got to do a princess party. How perfect to let all those little ladies know how special they are! I love the pic. where they are wearing their new dresses :)I can’t wait to be back in Swaziland!

  4. Loved being a part of this special day with you. These were some pretty precious little princesses. jodi

  5. Thanks for the update and again, congratulations on your baby news. Can’t wait to see you and all the precious ones in Swaziland in FOUR MONTHS!!!!! πŸ˜€

    BTW, you need to let me know if you want or need anything from the States when I come visiting.

  6. I can see why you fell in love with ‘little red riding hood’ auntie Kriek!! Thanks for the update! Hope to visit again soon!

  7. I love that hese girls enjoyed having a Princess Party!! πŸ™‚ Hope to do it again when I visit, hopefully in the fall. πŸ™‚