
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Wow friends, I have so much I (Kriek) want to share with you! We are settled in our new house and loving it. There are a few more boxes begging to be unpacked, but they just need to show me some patience and mercy! It has been really hot and humid and we have been enjoying our little pool (or rather a cuddle puddle). We had no water for 3 days and we were taking water from the swimming pool to flush the toilets and we took our baths in the pool! So we were really thankful for the pool then! (Oh, on the third day the city council sent a truck to give water to all the houses. We were running like ants trying to get empty containers to fill. Two hours later the water was back!)

Since being back I have led 2 trips; one with 6 ladies from USA and another with 20 (really fun) Canadians. After being gone for so long it was so good to be back and to see the kids and many of the ladies. I was in bad shape when we left last year, but I could truly see how God has restored my love and passion for the people and kids of Swaziland. Part of my prayers while being in the States was for God to ‘make me feel again’. I felt like I was ‘just going through the motions’, lacking joy, love and passion for what we were doing. But while spending time at the carepoints now, my heart was overwhelmed with love at times for some of the kids. I even had to wipe away a tear or two a few times. I know it is God who has touched my heart!

(Oh, I went on a home visit to one of my favorite little girls. I thought it was just her and 2 siblings. With a shock I discovered that there are 7 young children living on the very small and primitive homestead. I have never seen any man around and I have no idea how this mother takes care of all her children. It really breaks my heart to see this!)

But I believe there were more to the tears! I think it is also God preparing my heart … for motherhood. After lots of prayers (from lots of friends), God has heard our prayers and He is blessing us with a little Gerber baby of our own. Yes, for those of you who haven’t read it on Facebook yet, I am pregnant! It is amazing!

God is so faithful! We have been trying for about 3 years and at some stage we even thought that we might never have our own children. We had peace with whatever God was doing; it was sometimes just hard to deal with the monthly disappointment. But we were trusting God! While being in the States 2 different people confirmed that God has seen our heart’s desires and heard our prayers. He was going to do something soon. We were just not sure when that soon was going to be! Our soon might not be His soon!

But it seems like God’s soon was this time our soon! We praise Him for this little life growing in me! It is still very early and we ask that you continue to pray with us for this precious Gerber baby. But we are excited and we want to enjoy each moment of God’s goodness!

31 responses to “Some exciting Gerber news!”

  1. Congratulations! We will pray for you and your baby that is fearfully and wonderfully made. This is an awesome miracle.

    In Christ,
    D & B

    Psalm 139:13-16
    13 For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
    14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
    15 My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place.
    When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,
    16 your eyes saw my unformed body.
    All the days ordained for me
    were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.

  2. Hey congrats on the baby news. You could name him/her Little Jumbo or Jumbo’s Shrimp or he/she could have a Kriek bed or a Kriek bank. Seriously, I am very excited for you both. You will be awesome parents.
    God bless.

  3. That’s great news, Kriek! So happy for you and Jumbo. You’ll be great parents! Do you have a due date yet?

  4. Congratulations Kriek + Jumbo. God ALWAYS gives His best to those who leave the choice (where + when) up to Him. blessings Dirk + Jenny Coetzee

  5. Yahoo! That’s southern for “Congratulations!” I can’t wait to see you in just a few short weeks! We’ll be sure to cook some good fixins for the littlest Gerber!

  6. Jumbo and Kriek- What wonderful news! Take care of yourself! Our God is so good. Miss you both. Kiss Zinhle for me!

  7. Yes yes YES!! I better start shopping for a little baby AUBURN outfit! Now we HAVE to come see you so we can babysit! hehe! LOVE YOU!!!

  8. AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME…. God is FANTASTIC and GOOD. I am so very very happy for you both…..

    Thank you so much for the news (read it on Facebook) and just sad YEAAAA God…

    Hmmm I guess by the time the crazy canucks come back there will be a new addition to the family 🙂

    Awesome guys… Thank you so very much for all you do for everyone..

    Truly the hearts of Jesus…

  9. You already heard our team whoop and yell but I wanted to say myself how excited I am for you! I have been thinking and praying for you since we heard. Also I am so excited about the fact that when I come back next year I can hold your wee one!!! Thanking the Lord for you and your new life! Love Brenda

  10. My sweet friend – you are tireless in your service and we who are here in America forget how even you might get weary. My heart goes out to you as God has renewed your passion for the ministry that He has called you too. I claim Isaiah 41 for you
    “Be not dismayed, for I am your God.
    I will strengthen you,
    Yes, I will help you,
    I will uphold you with My righteous right

  11. Baie baie geluk julle 2!!!!! Dit is wonderlike nuus en n absolute blessing van God af. Mis julle. Baie liefde.

  12. Ag, julle ou tweetjies, jul weet hoe opgewonde ek is oor die wonderlike nuus oor die baba. Carike, jy moet mooi kyk na jouself. Die kamp op JBay is great en God seen ons erg baie. Liefde

  13. Hi Kriek, jy sal definitief vir ons meer info moet gee waneer jy sulke uitlatings maak, ons is te nuuskierig! Baie seen vir julle en mog jy jou swangerskap met vreugde, gesondheid en kinderlike afwagting deurgaan!
    Lief vir julle

  14. So exciting guys, so happy for you both!! Can I bring you some prenatal vitamins???

    Loads of love!!

  15. I am so excited for you! And I am so thankful that God has heard your prayers… that He has restored your passion and love for your Swazi children as well as giving you your own little one! Love you both!

  16. Sooooooooooooooo excited for the both of you, what wonderful parents you will be.Looking forward to being with you in a few weeks, and loving on those precious children in Swaziland.

  17. I’m so happy and excited for you guys! After you told us, I kept thinking about you all the way home! My blessings and prayers to you and the new little one!

  18. cant wait to get my hands on that “Gerber” baby….you will be the best parents ever….no one deserves or will treasure this blessing more!!
    love you,
    your sister…Lisa

  19. So happy to be called a “fun Canadian”. You guys are the heart and blood of Swaziland. Without you guiding all of us where would those 3000 children be. It is God’s privellage to give you a child of your own. He loves you very much and he is well please with the two of you. Love you guys… From Scott

  20. Kleinsus, dis wonderlike nuus!!!!!!!!! Ek’s saam met al jou vriende bly om hierdie fantastiese nuus te hoor! Nee, ek’t nie op Facebook gesien nie, want dit word in Sjina geblokkeer; maar ek’s bly ek weet nou (al het dit biekie tyd gevat voor ek op jul blog geklim het!). Sê biekie vir Jumbo ek’s sommer trots op hom! 😉 Sterkte en liefde aan julle 3! Ouboet.

  21. “AWE”SOME!!!! We are so thrilled for you!! Just today, I was reading about Hannah’s prayer for Samuel. No doubt that God has great plans for your little one. How blessed he/she will be to have parents like you two!! We serve a big, BIG God that is in every little detail of our life!. Parenting is truly a wonderful adventure!! God bless you!
    My heart aches not to be returning to Swaziland -yet, trusting in God’s call and timing for my life. My feet will return someday!

  22. Heard this news from Rob today! How exciting!! Congratulations and love to you both as you begin this incredible journey together. We will pray for you both and especially the baby … for health and a smooth and easy pregnancy. I wish for you both abundant joy in sharing your lives with this wonderful gift from God.

  23. Congratulations Kriek and Jumbo!! Our God is so good! He has trusted you with His most vulnerable children and now He entrusts you with your own new life…what a beautiful blessing!