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As you know for the past 8 (or little longer) years we have had the privilege to lead this wonderful ministry in Swaziland. The Lord has moved in big ways this past 8 years and we have seen some amazing growth and changes in the people that we are investing and ministering to.


The goal from the start was to see Swaziland taking care of Swaziland. Transformed communities led by local people. We still have a long way to go and many things still need to fall in place, but I have to say that nothing excites me more than our flagship program – The Swaziland Leadership Academy.


If you live long enough in Africa you will realise very quickly that one of the biggest challenges of the continent is to find real servant leaders. Most of the examples of leaders in Africa is self-serving and usually have the attitude of ‘the people are there to serve me, because I am the leader’, but that is why I am so excited about the Swaziland Leadership Academy. It pumps out God fearing, Godly character, laying down my life servant leaders that will change the country of Swaziland and maybe even Africa in generations to come. The Swaziland Leadership Academy has all the elements of a movement that is going to swipe through Swaziland.


I can for sure see some of these students in every sphere of life and making an impact for the Kingdom of God and their own people.  


I feel so strong about the Swaziland leadership academy that I would question everything that was achieved the past 8 years if we have to lose it to a lack of funding. So I want to ask you to prayerfully consider making a contribution to this life changing movement in Swaziland. Please help us to take this forward to even greater heights.


Thank you for supporting us, partnering with the ministry and specifically the Swaziland Leadership Academy. If you would like to make a contribution please go to the and look for #stockingsforSwazi link. Or you can also just use this direct link