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I thought it wise to share our thankfulness to all the churches that are so hard at work to make a difference in the lives of the children of Swaziland. This year all the churches came for a visit and the visits made a huge impact on all the care points and communities that were visited. Kriek and I want to thank each one of you and let you know that you are part of the puzzle that God is building in Swaziland.

This past week I was in the great position to help and see Capo Beach Calvary open their container that they shipped over and build the playground that the church sent to Swaziland. The container has been sitting at the carepoint for about a month. Of course the children at the carepoint have been anxiously waiting for the day the container would be opened. It was amazing to see their reactions when the container was opened and see what’s inside. It was also amazing to see how excited they were about the playground as it got bigger and bigger every day. (They were actually so excited that they started playing on it even before it was up.)

I do not have much to say; the pictures can speak for itself. Thank you guys; this is amazing … (And thank you Dan and Jesse Snipes for the pictures.)

7 responses to “Thankful”

  1. This looks AWESOME!!! You guys did an amazing job! I’m sure that the children will enjoy it for years to come.

  2. Wow, what an incredible set up. I can’t wait to see it in person and watch the kiddos play! Way to go!

  3. wow. i am continuously blown away by the generosity of the church towards swazi! i hope that you not only get a wonderful holiday away, but that you will be able to find time to enjoy the laughter and smiles on the playground as well 🙂

  4. WOW!!! That looks amazing! What a blessing that I know will bring so much joy to these kids. Cannot think of any children that deserve it more. May God BLESS that church!

  5. It is absolutely wonderful. And the bonus for me is that I know now exactly where the playground is pitched because Carike took me there while I was visiting.

    May the JOY of the Lord be all over the place!!
