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Here is an update on the Storm that went thru Nsoko last night. I heard about it and then decided to go down to Nsoko and just see what the damage was.

The church structure got some damage on the roof, Gift’s Car port blew over, Pastor Gift’s House got some minor damage and the Centre was without electricity. As I was driving to the centre I noticed that a significant number of the electric poles were either broken or leaning to the ground. It must have been quite a wind.

Pastor Gift and I then did a few quick home visits to see what has happened in the Community. In short one of the Gogo’s , that cook at Nsoko, house is in tatters. The roof was blown totally off and the whole family was wet to the bone after the storm. They had to hang out everything they owned to try to get it dry. The family tries to look brave, but I could sense that this was really a huge disaster for them.

Then also the house that 2 orphans were living in was also flattened to the ground. Pastor Gift says that this touched him the most, because not only do they have no extended family, they also do not have a place to stay anymore.

If anyone wants to respond to the cry for help from down here at Nsoko please contact either Adventures in Missions or Children’s Hope Chest.   

7 responses to “Update on Storm that hit Nsoko last Night.”

  1. God help them! Bless their hearts…what horrible news. We just had prayer time here this morning. Praying God will provide and redeem this!

  2. now that is a bummer. what about my favorite gogo cooking area? collect the materials from the carpark and build something better with it. call hornung911

    I thank the Lord that no one was hurt. By the looks of that, a windstorm that bad would have killed many people by dropping the many trees on their house in pennsylvania. Maybe those goats are good for something.

  3. oh man…. I thought Timbutini wul be apart too. These Storm was very bad… thank God no life lost….

  4. hang in there man. good job holding the line. strength to you now in Jesus name.