
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Why do people blog? Why are we blogging? To tell you what’s happening in our lives? To share with you what God’s doing in and through us (and you; if you are partnering with us in this ministry)? To somehow keep you involved in our lives and ministry? Right now I don’t even have an answer to this. I, Kriek, am really tired and now might not even be a good time to write this blog. But I am going to! I don’t think I have put much emotion into the last few blogs; I have been going through the motions. Sad, but true! But I am hoping this one will be different. I guess it is easy to just give a report (or quick updates) about what’s happening, but for me it is harder to reflect my real emotions while sharing with you what’s happening.

We are over the busiest time of the summer and things are starting to slow down somewhat now. It has been a good summer and the kids, the ladies cooking, and even the communities, have been blessed immensely by all the visiting teams. All the gifts they received were amazing; new clothes, shoes, toys, blankets … just to mention a few! And all the medical attention the children received was a huge blessing. (At one of the carepoints there is even a whole container still waiting to be opened!) Jumbo and I have been blessed too! Spending time with returning friends and new friends, all the prayers and encouragement we received, friends blessing us by serving alongside us, spending time with the kids at the carepoints, etch. (Thanks again girls! I could not have done it without you and our emergency chocolate!)

But during this summer I have been asking myself this question: What makes me come alive? What during this summer made me come alive? If I am doing what God has called me to do, why am I just going through the motions at this stage? Why am I so tired? Well, I don’t have the answers to this yet and maybe I will blog next about the thoughts I do have and what I think God is telling me. But I can share with you what makes me feel alive at this stage!

Seeing growth in the lives and behavior of the kids at the carepoints. Sometimes I feel so proud of them that I want to burst into tears! Seeing growth in the discipleship team; in their walk with God, in the way they take responsibility for the things that need to happen. They way they interact with the kids. Doing things that is against the cultural norm.  

Seeing hearts being touched and lives being changed through vulnerable, forgotten little ones. Knowing that God is at work.

Hearing a few of my favorites calling me by my name for the first time in 2 years. First they called me ‘mlungu’ (white person), then they called me ‘make’ (mother) and now I am Krrrieke (I love the way they say my name!). This shows me that there is growth in the openness of our relationship.

Walking a few of my favorite boys home, hand in hand, in the rural area, on a lovely sunny Swazi winter’s afternoon. No demands, no responsibilities. Just me and them; laughing and walking. Not much talking; I am still struggling with SiSwati. Who needs words if smiles say enough?

Knowing that God is using us to make a difference in Swaziland. And it isn’t anything we are doing or that we can boast in. It is all God; He is just allowing us to be part of it.

These are a few things I want to remember for the rest of my life! What are the things you want to remember for the rest of your life? What makes you come alive?

12 responses to “What makes me come alive?”

  1. thanks for writing this – you have given yourself completely and the Lord will be your restoration. thanks for all you do for His sake and the children.

  2. Dear Krrrieke,
    I love this post – thanks for sharing so openly all your thoughts and feelings. You’re doing an amazing job, showing us how it looks like to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Please never forget that!
    And thank you for allowing me to serve alongside you – let me know when you need a new little ’emergency package’ 🙂
    Miss you lots.
    Much love, Dani.

  3. Well, your words are real inspiration for me to look at more than just going through the motions of life. As for you, just know that those kids are blessed every day because you are in their life, God gives you strength and brings you alive in ways we will never understand. Love you, Jumbo and all you do.

  4. Love hearing your heart Kriek and love SEEING you! Those pictures are wonderful- I feel like maybe Adam took them? Love you much and miss you. So proud to call you a friend!!! Still hoping and hoping we can come back soon!

  5. Hi Kriek!

    Thank you for this post…I think we all have “gone through the motions” at one time or another, I know I have. And when I wonder how I even got from Point A to Point B, that is when I am reminded of the “Footprints” poem…this is when Jesus literally carries us through!! I want to personally thank you for encouraging me and placing a fire within me to be a better servant for our Lord! You and Jumbo are truly an inspiration to Larry and me!!! We look so forward to the future! I love and miss you! I hope you two are able to get some rest!

  6. Kriek,
    I can so relate to “going through the motions” and it seems to happen at the times that are crazy-busy.
    Praying for all, who have worked so hard and given so much over the summer, that you will be given rest and be rejuvenated so you can continue to experience all that He has planned…the walks, calling your name and so much more.
    Love ya, Holly

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing so much with us! We have faithfully prayed for you all and we know this year has been mentally and physically draining. But, in typical Kriek fashion, you find the silver lining. Praise God for the work of you, Jumbo, the D-Team, the Go-go’s and for the partnership with AIM, CHC and what seems to be a solid relationship with TLC. Living life on mission is defined by your work. Even being here in the States – many times my heart has ached for you guys. I know I have yet to experience the challenges of being full-time in the trenches, nor have I experienced being enveloped in His will. But I look forward to experiencing both.

    So what makes me come alive? Knowing you guys are still pressing forward when there isn’t any fuel left in the tank. Seeing the photo’s of the three boys you mentioned about a month ago. Talking to you guys on the phone – even when your voices say you are tired – you still share what is going on. Having God smile at me when I least expect it. Having our family pray together. Having talks with Ashley and the children about what God’s ministry in Swaziland looks like and how we will be there to support you guys. I come alive when I think about being a representative of our Father as we visit unfamiliar homesteads next March. I come alive when I dream about what life looks like during the next five years – knowing we will work through challenges as we seek to be in His will.

    I come alive knowing that we will be a part of community building and family building – right there with you guys.

    We are honored to call you family. We are honored to step outside the comforts of life, as we know it. More importantly, we are honored and come alive in knowing we can call the Creator our Father.

    We love you guys so much and look forward to seeing you soon. Blessings.

  8. Dis wanneer ons net die een voet voor die ander sit en aanhou doen wat gedoen moet word wat ons eintlik suksesvol is. Sukses is nie in groot oomblikke nie maar in vasbyt en volhard. Dan is die einddoel so ‘great’dat mens nie kan ophou nie. Lief vir julle!! o ja, dis mos die klein goedjies wat ons laat lewe… en laat aanhou!!

  9. Great post, Kriek. You encourage so many people with your commitment to keep pushing thru in a dry time. So many children depend on you for the basics of life. Thanks for pouring yourself out for them!