
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

When was the last time you blessed a complete stranger?


About a week ago Jumbo and I had dinner at a restaurant in South Africa. Our waiter was an older African man. I could sense that he had a gentle spirit, but he also appeared uncertain of himself. He or God or something touched my heart. I asked Jumbo if we could bless him by leaving him an extra large tip. We put the money in the bill folder and started walking out. Jumbo just told him to ‘keep the change’. As we walked out the door I glimpsed back at him; his reaction almsot made me cry. His mouth fell open, and then he started smiling! It was one of the nicest things I have seen in a while.


Oh, what joy did it bring to bless this guy! A thankful face is one of the nicest things to see. God also loves a thankful heart, and I think therefore He will bless us many times with little (or big) surprises. Let us ‘enter His gates with thanksgiving’ while we bless His (forgotten) loved ones around us.


With this I also want to add that we do not realize how God is using all of us to reveal Himself to people and bring life and truth to His Word and promises. For example: Last week we met some refugees and our friends felt that they had to give them some money. The refugees started crying as they thanked our friends and they told us that God (at a church service the day before; after giving their lives to Christ) promised to provide for them. They didn’t know how He was going to do it, but here He was showing them that He does what He promises! What an amazing testimony!