
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Who satisfies your desires with good things. . .

(Psalm 103:5)


he Bible does say, “Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart”, but isn’t it wonderful that many times God gives us MORE than our desires, because He knows what we really need AND because He loves us and want what is best for us. (If anybody should ask me what my favorite Scripture is, I will have to answer that I do not have one, because it changes weekly, almost daily!)

Well, we are excited to say that this is our first English newsletter! And we are just as excited to share this with you. We have made a lot of new friends and some have asked us to keep them updated. So here we are. Hope you enjoy this! (And if you receive this, it means you are one of our friends and we thank God for you! You have been a blessing to us.)

We have been
  in the States for almost 8 moths now. It is unbelievable. Our time left is getting less and less and we want to enjoy every last moment. (We are flying out May 31st and we will arrive in Cape Town June 2nd.) But for now we are doing well en we are experiencing how God is satisfying our desires with good things.

Jumbo worked at a Tres Dias weekend and it went really well. God was faithful, once again; He set the captives free! Adult men experienced God’s forgiveness, mercy and love and they were set free from guilt and shame. They went back home home as changed men.


In the last month we had two opportunities to share at churches about our work in Africa, especially in Swaziland. We are thankful for each
  opportunity. The need in Africa is huge and we need help. Personally it was good for us too to speak about the need, because living here in the States is so easy and it is easy to kind of forget about what’s out there. So we got a wake up call again.

What is AIM doing in Africa right now?


We have First Year Missionary teams in South Africa, Swaziland en Kenya.


We are preparing to send trips during this summer to Swaziland, Lesotho and Kenya.


We have a project, called Communities of Hope, running in Swaziland.


We are getting ready to take Beat the Drum to Zambia in the summer.



Kids In Swaziland at one of the Care Points 

What are we doing the next few weeks?



Jumbo is on his way to New Orleans to lead a mission trip. He is flying out on March the 16th and will be back March 25th. AIM has a permanent team working there and volunteer teams are coming and going weekly.



Summer is sneaking up on us and we are busy in the office preparing for all our mission trips and there is lots and lots of admin that needs to be done. Leadership training for all the trip leaders is also coming up.


Prayer requests



Please pray for Jumbo as he is leading the trip. Pray for safety, unity and that their ministry would be effective.



We will be applying again for visa’s as we arrive in South Africa. Please start praying with us that the Lord will be in control and that His will will be done.



Please pray that we as a mission’s organization will work and live daily in faith even if the work load is getting bigger and more stressful.



Please pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in India. They are being persecuted as I am writing this newsletter. And these are people we know; they are AIM contacts. Their churches are being destroyed, they are threatened, some is in prison and some are fearing for their lives. We are the body of Christ and if one body part suffers, the whole body suffer. PLEASE PRAY FOR THEM!