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Party #1

Thank you to all of you prayed for me after my accident and for the Christmas party this weekend and thank you for all the encouraging messages we received! My body is still sore, but I have no … Read more about Party #1


  How do you explain the total chill that goes thru your whole body when you get a call that says:" come immediately  your wife was in an bad accident". Well it is like everything just … Read more about Accident

5 years!

  We are enjoying a wonderful break while also celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary. We are immensely blessed to be on an island and to be staying in a very nice hotel right on the ocean. We … Read more about 5 years!


  Our break is over and we are back home. The time of rest was really good and God has been so faithful. Thank you to all of you who prayed for us. We laughed a lot, we had great times of … Read more about AGAIN?????!!!!!