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Thoughts & Inspiration

I, Jumbo, am a pretty slow processor when it comes to feelings and emotions. Gary always wants to know, “Why do you never look excited?” I always say, “Bro, I just don’t show it”.


Yesterday the Black family and I went down to Nsoko for some meetings. As always I try to get meetings done as soon as possible. We went out to the sight where G42 is planning to build their first Children’s Village to determine where the community center must be build. I am very excited on the one side about this project (although I am not showing it), but on the other hand I am questioning myself if we are not moving too fast; what if we won’t be able to follow up on our promises? But then I am always reminded about what Seth Barnes says, ‘The kids are dying now – we have to jump in now and do what we can now and trust the Lord.’ So I guess that is what we are doing down there in Nsoko.  We are jumping in and trusting the Lord.


After our site visit we went to check in on the World Racers and then I saw Emily Black with the smallest little baby boy I have ever seen. Immediately I could see that the baby was under weight and malnutritioned. He looked like a little toy. I asked the team what happened and why they have the baby. Emily told me the mother is on her last and will be dying soon because of Aids. They contacted the community leaders and they were looking after the baby until the baby will be taken by the police or someone from the community. I just said ‘okay’ and left the baby with the team.


We had lunch, we drove home and then it hit me. What is going to happen to this precious child? Who is going to take care of him? If the police takes him they can either put him in an abandoned baby center or in a hospital. If someone from the community takes him, what will happen to him then? This is most likely the poorest community in Swaziland!! So who knows!


Then an even harder truth hit me: This is going to happen more and more and Swaziland is not ready! The church is not ready! Babies like this boy are going to become just another bad thing in a country where bad things happen.


“Please Lord, may nobody ever be desensitized so much that this will be fine.  Lord we need wisdom and courage to take this problem head on. Please help and use us”.


It is becoming worse. Swazi’s are people with well build bodies, but these days you just cannot help to see the amount of people walking around looking like skeletons. This disease is killing this nation. A lot of people are going to die in the next few years. But we cannot be caught up in this hopelessness. We have to make a conscious decision when it becomes too much; we always have to believe that GOD has a plan for this nation. The only thing that gives me hope every day when I am surrounded by this desperation is to take a moment and to be reminded of the character of the GOD. We serve the ALLMIGHTY GOD.


“Lord, this is a mess, but I have to believe that you will show us the way – I know you will. Amen”.


  1. Greetings in the Lord. It is comforting to know we can depend on God, He is the only true source of comfort. He is working on Swazis trials as we speak. If only we could see the plan. We will be praying for you both as the God of all hope, who has grounded you, and established you both in Swazi will give you a glimpse of his divine plan there. Keep up the good fight of faith. DECOLRES, Mary and Rick

  2. Thank you for living among the “mess” of the enemy’s victories. You are truly bringing the presence of the Divine. My heart breaks again for the orphans through your story. You both know I am so behind you and intercede daily for your needs. Love ya dearly!

  3. Good Word Guys, It speaks to me where I’m at today and we all need to know and understand that it’s not about us or our abilities, as we can accomplish absolutley NOTHING on our own. Keep up the pace, He will provide.


  4. Hey My Precious Honeys!!!!!!!!

    You guys are so awesome!!! I Love you and I AM praying for you.

    We must remember that HE loves the Swazis and has a plan for their life, even when we don’t understand.

    Be strong and encouraged in Jesus Might name.

    Big Hug,


  5. Jumbo and Carike,

    you guys are heroes and we’re working to get help. What Teddy Roosevelt said in 1910 describes you so well:
    “It is not the critic who counts, nor the man who points how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly…who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at best, knows the triumph of high achievement; and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

  6. Dear Jumbo and Carike-

    Thank you for doing what you are doing for those of us who can’t be there. I know you two are faced daily with both wonderful blessings and heartbreaking situations. Anna, Betsie, and I along with the rest of our family prays for you two and the other AIM/D-Team folks daily. We love y’all and I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.

    Please keep us updated with prayer requests and if there is ever anything else we can do!

    Salani Kahle,
    Elysa “Thandeka Lom Khulu” MacLellan

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