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A joyous celebration


Hallo friends. Kriek here. I know ….. it has been a while.

This morning we were part of the opening of the new church building at Enaleni Church and carepoint. This church was started a few years ago in faith by Pastor Langa. (He is one amazing man of God!) Up until last year they worshipped in this little building:
Today they had the wonderful opportunity to dedicate their new building! It was a very big day for this congregation. The day started with a march down the gravel road to the new building; they even had a band from one of the schools in town! Watching the people marching, singing and laughing moved me to tears. This was God’s faithfulness in action!

Part of this big excitement was the presence of Pastor Todd from Riverwood Church, Canada. Through Children’s HopeChest Riverwood Church sponsors the carepoint at Enaleni and they are also partnering with the church. I have been enjoying watching this partnership between a local church and a church from overseas.

The rest of the service was full of singing and speeches and then Pastor Todd shared the message. Then of course came the big eating! On Thursday a cow was slaughtered for this big day; so from early this morning the ladies started cooking a really nice meal.

Of course we had Clara with us. For me it was amazing to sit in an African church and worship God together as a family. I just love soaking in the praises of God’s people and it is my desire to raise Clara in it as well. It is our prayer as parents that she will love the Lord with all her heart, that she will love serving Him and that God will use her mightily in His Kingdom.


  1. Thanks for posting your pictures and comments about the Celebration and Opening of the Enaleni Church. (Knowing I won’t have the opportunity to hear from Todd over the next couple of days … and wondering how things went, your blog entry came as a nice surprise)It looks like you all had a tremendous day! We thank God for the day our paths crossed with Children’s Hope Chest, Enaleni and with you! Love you guys!

  2. It is so wonderful to worship and praise God with fellow believers. What an amazing day for Enaleni!! You and Jumbo are wonderful examples of true servanthood, and I cannot wait to see the impact Clara has for His kingdom!! I love you and miss you all so so much!!

  3. So EXCITING to read! As a fellow Riverwooder (and member of Swazitrip 2009) it was so great to read your update and to see so many familiar faces. I can only imagine the emotion and excitement that today held for so many people. And Clara looks like she was enjoying the festivities as well! 🙂 The church looks amazing and the celebration sounds like it was so much fun. Thanks so much for the update and I hope this finds you and your family doing well.
    Take care,
    P.S. After hearing so much of the big meal of cow, I was wondering if you’d post pics of that too. LOL

  4. KRIEK! I think I told you that I got a book contract from a Christian publishing company a few weeks ago and have been busy writing it. It’s all about how ordinary Christians can help the poor. I was literally *just* sitting here typing part of the book- about creating a partnership w/ an African church! Then this update to your blog came thru on my computer. I stopped to read it and there was your posting about this new church building and their partnership w/ a church in Canada! Too amazing! I’ll send you a copy of this book when it comes out- maybe in the fall. You can Jumbo are in several parts of the book!

    Lorie Newman

  5. Wow….

    All I can say is WOW!!!! what an awesome awesome day. Such a great way to open a new church. (wish that happened here). Big band everyone celebrating and singing to God.

    I was part of the 2009 Swazi Trip and can’t wait to return again.

    Jumbo and Kriek you both are fantastic people. truly God has put you in the right place.

    Clara your mom and dad love you so very much. and you are super cute.

    Pastor Peter and Precious.. You both give so much to all the kids Heaven is truly singing your praises. I can’t wait to meet you again.

    More Pics would be awesome.
    Miss you all

    Tim Hellsten
    Winnipeg Manitoba Canada

  6. WOW! I remember the first picture like it was yesterday. Awesome to see how far Enaleni has come in 2 years! Riverwood is cheering you on Enaleni! Have an awesome day of celebration!

  7. Beyond Amazing! We serve such an Awesome God and He is doing amazing things in Swaziland! I loved the pics and the evidence of all the work is very clear in the photos. I look forward to seeing it all in person in March. Can’t wait to worship in the new building! Love to all

  8. I celebrate with you! it is so wonderfull to see your church grow and emerge! have so much fun as well tomorrow and embrace the moments of joy! This beings a smile to my soul!

  9. We never cease to be amazed at the God ALWAYS comes through for His Bride. We should’t be. Rather we should expect to see the manifestation of what we ask for. (e.g. ” … Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven …”) It’s what we ask for, so just need – in absolute humility and service to the King of Kings, say: “Thank you … Abba Father”
    What a Mighty God we serve!

  10. Congratulations Enaleni! Praise the Lord above for this fantastic celebration. Looks like you had a great day, and I too can’t wait to worship in the Lord’s House in Enaleni!
    Numbers 6:24-26 The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”
    Can’t wait to see you in March!

  11. Congratulations on the strong partnership and for the new building! This is how it is supposed to be.

    I love how your favorite part of the day had nothing to do with a building, a program or a feast. Your favorite part of the day was worship! It’s all about Him. It’s all about Him!

    Clara is blessed to have a shining example of how to live for the Lord. I Imagine your wishes for her will happen. All God needs is a willing and obedient heart and He will handle the rest. Clara = world changer for Christ!

    We love and believe in you guys.

  12. Hallo, Ek verwonder my aan julle pragtige dogter en kan nie help om aan ons tye in Kleinmond te dink as ek Kriek as ‘n Mamma sien nie. Mag ons Vader julle elke dag net meer en meer seen. Kom julle soms Pta toe dat ons kan koffie drink. My sel: 0836512115.
    Baie liefde. Tannie Corrie

  13. God is good! It is amazing to see God use His people to fulfill His word and serve His purpose. I say amen to your desire to see Clara grow in love with Him. Thanks for sharing.

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