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The best thing!!

I saw this quote today and just loved it!!

The less Holy Spirit we have, the more cake and coffee we need to keep the church going. Nothing against cake or coffee, but the Holy Spirit cannot be substituted. Be blessed. REINHARD BONNKE

We so many times try to keep ministry and our lives going with nice little programs or things we do that will draw people. Nothing against programs or fun, but for lasting fruit we need the Holy Spirit in what we do. So I think the best thing we can do is to quit the things we do that is out of our own power or more straight to the point: the things we do that we do not “need” God for. Lets rather focus on the things that we just cannot do without God!!

Now that is called living in dependence of God and in faith. Doing this will build character and stretch our little boxes of safety that we have build around our little lives and ministry. We will be tested and we will experience push back from the world and our friends, but in the same time we will live closer to our Father than ever before and see His hand in everything we do. We will not grow tired and we will lay the foundation for miracles every day. We will be living for God’s pleasure and not the approval of man. How can this be a bad thing?

Lets start living this life, the life of abundance and fullness!! A life of power and grace, love and freedom, a life where we will see God’s character every day. 

The kingdom of God is not a kingdom of words, its a kingdom of power. A power to do the right thing.


  1. Very good update! Can’t wait to see you.
    I can only imagine how much fun Clara is!
    love Brenda

  2. Powerfully true. God’s Will, not ours. His way, not ours.
    I pray that most people will really, sincerely think about this. God bless you. You get it.

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