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Hallo dear friends!

Hope you are all doing well. We went to church Sunday and at the doors they handed out a poem. It was in Afrikaans, but I tried to translate it to English. It touched us and we wanted to share it with you.




There are people out there in the world with sorrows;

There are children crying and nobody cares

And they will continue to live with their sorrows out there in the world;

And they will continue to die in their hopelessness;

And they will continue to cry if we don

t care.

They need you, they need me, they need Christ.


There are people who are alive, who would rather be dead

And their Christian neighbor simply walks past them!

There are people who are sitting at a telephone that is not ringing,

People cold and hungry, people ill and without hope,

People who are left all alone

suicide without reasons known,

They need you, they need me, they need Christ!


There is the prostitute and there is the prisoner.

There is the person who is backsliding, who does not want to look at you

There is the compulsive gambler who is dreaming about his yacht,

And the boy who steels to pay his addictions,

And the girl who is pregnant but in denial,

They need you, they need me, they need Christ!


There are the deserters, who are looking for a place to go to,

Alcoholics who pretend to not know.

There are people without God who left the way,

Who need God

s love, but are too scared to say it.

Maybe if we shut our eyes they will go away,

Without you, without me, without Christ.

(Written by Kol. J. Gowens)


  1. This poem is actually a song and was written by a former Salavation Army Genera-John Gowans.The song came from the musical Man Mark 2-A New Humanity. The musical was a collaborative effort by two retired generals of the Salvation Army. From 1967 to 1990, John Gowans and John Larsson wrote and composed 10 musicals together!. These musicals have become famous and many of the songs included have found their way into different song books published by The Salvation Army.

    ohn Gowans and John Larssons who have together written approximately 10 musicals

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