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The baby

There was a few requests for a photo of the baby that the World Race team and Pastor Gift found. I got the photo from Aaron Bruner's blog. He is a World Racer down here in Swaziland. The Mother is … Read more about The baby

Swazi trials

I, Jumbo, am a pretty slow processor when it comes to feelings and emotions. Gary always wants to know, "Why do you never look excited?" I always say, "Bro, I just don't show it".   Yesterday … Read more about Swazi trials


Just a quick update of what we are doing: We are in the middle of birthday parties for 8 of our care points. We have done 4 and we have 4 left. It has been a lot of fun!   At each care point … Read more about Birthdays!

We are back

We arrived safely back in Swaziland just more than two weeks ago after a good and blessed time in the States! Above is a silly picture (sorry Scott) of us during our going away / saying good bye cook … Read more about We are back